Security is tight around the Washington County courthouse as the trial of a former county jailer gets underway.

Dozens of extra security personnel are on hand as  rumors abound that Quanell X, of Houston's New Black Panther Party was coming to Brenham to observe the trial of Christopher Kulow.

Kulow's trial on a charge of Official Oppression got underway today (Tuesday) at the courthouse, and is being heard by Judge Carson Campbell.

Rumors of the presence of Quanell X began when it was learned that all six members of Kulow's jury are white, as is Kulow.

Kulow is accused of assaulting an inmate, Gregory Webb, who is African American, at the Washington County Jail back in 2013.




Media coverage was present in Washington County today.
Washington County Sheriff's deputies provide security at the Courthouse at the trial of former Washington County Jailer Christopher Kulow
Washington County Sheriff's deputies provide security at the Courthouse at the trial of former Washington County Jailer Christopher Kulow


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  1. I completely agree with “County Resident”. If a black person says they don’t like white people, it’s ok. But if a white person says they don’t like a black person, then they are racist. There are good and bad in every race. Why do black people always have to pull the race card? I don’t care what color Kullow is or what color the inmate is. If an inmate reports that they were mistreated by an officer, then it should be addressed, but the color of their skin should not be announced. Because obviously if the person is the one being wronged, then all of us white people seem to owe them something. I nor my family have ever done anyone wrong of another color. So grow up and stop looking at the past of when we had slaves. I did not know my family back then, and no black person today knew any of their family members who were slaves. If you want to be treated equal, then treat us as equal as well. I DO NOT OWE YOU OR ANYONE ANYTHING.

  2. This is a sad situation. Couldn’t this have been handled in a more private manner? Chris has a family and young kids who are in school, obviously facing ridicule by their peers. And by the way, NOTHING has ever been said as to what led to this or what happened afterwards. Come on, details please!

  3. Maybe the sheriff needs to bring in a helicopter again? lol

    It’s not against the law to carry AR-15’s down the street in Texas. The Black Panthers caused no trouble in Waller County last week.

  4. The Black Panther Party is listed as a terrorist group by the FBI. Based on that alone extra security is needed. Also no one extra was hired the people providing security are full time employees.

  5. I as a citizen of this County, DO appreciate all the security. Jenny, are your eyes closed to ALL the unnecessary violence that takes place? Brenham is not exempt from that. I applaud WCSO and the DPS people immensely!!! THANK YOU for doing your job and well-done at that !!!!

  6. The sheriff is doing the right thing to protect the citizens of this county. Anytime you have quanell x around and the black panther party its trouble.

  7. Just wondering after all said and done what is the worse sentence he gets if anything?? A fine? A year n jail? Isn’t this a class a misdemeanor case?

  8. Jenny, you must have missed the news last week how a dozen New Black Panthers came armed with AR15s to the Waller County Sheriff’s Office over a suicide of a mentally disturbed inmate. Our Sheriff Hanak is on with this security. Care to help protect our county Jenny????

  9. This is being blown out of proportion and treating the Black Panthers as a group of Terrorist? The Sheriff should be ashamed of himself.

    It woll be interesting to see how much the county will be footing the bill for tne extra security?

    1. The black panthers ARE a group of terrorists and the police are trying to protect the people of Brenham. I for one appreciate their efforts.

    2. What would you call a group that intentionally uses fear to try to sway political decisions? The Panthers, the Klan, the Westboro Baptist Church and Al-Qaeda all have this in common: they use tactics designed to scare people (like walking down the street with machine guns) to influence the public or political decisions in favor of their cause. That is the very definition of terrorism.

    3. It is wise to be cautious. Pay attention to what’s going on in our country.
      Plan for the worst. Hope for the best. Extra security? Good call.

    4. Wow,
      I must be blind or just can not read, but I do not see anything is this article about the Black Panthers being a Terrorist Group, that being said, I do believe that the extra security is warranted. The Black Panthers show up with guns-not hand guns or rifles, but guns that can do lots of damage. They are an intimidation group. They should fight for all people-black, white, red, brown, etc, etc., but they do not! He is an opportunist and plays the part well. If he is so concerned about it being a white jury, why doesn’t he hire a lawyer for the defendant? His lawyer DID have say in who was picked for the jury and it didn’t seem to bother him. So if I as a white person gets upset because my jury is all black, I am considered a racist….but if a black person gets upset at an all white jury he is not? DOUBLE STANDARD MUCH???

    5. Jenny, given the nature of protests in recent months – Brown, Grey, other cases, some including riots or blocking roads intentionally, I don’t think it’s “blown out of proportion.”

      They were not treating them as terrorists, but making sure that Brenham is safe in case of a loud protest or other actions.

    6. Do you know who Quanell X is? Do you know anything about the “New Black Panther Party?”

      Here is what Quanell said to the black youth of Houston: “if you feel that you just got to mug somebody because of your hurt and your pain, go to River Oaks and mug you some good white folks. If you’re angry that our brother is put to death, don’t burn down your own community, give these white folks h*** from the womb to the tomb.”

      I wonder what positive message he has for the youth of Brenham?

  10. Do you believe that it says something about the case at hand if you need to hire extra security personnel in order to ensure safety?

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