State Representative Ben Leman calls the decision of Democrats in the Texas House to leave the state “a complete failure” to represent citizens.

State Representative Ben Leman (R-Iola) speaks at a Legislative Wrap-Up Forum in August 2019 at Blinn College in Brenham.

Leman condemned the action of over 50 House Democrats to prevent a quorum in the special session by leaving for Washington, D.C. on Monday, as legislators prepared to consider new election laws and other bills considered priorities by Governor Greg Abbott and other Republicans.  Democrats on Tuesday spoke outside the U.S. Capitol, asking Congress to pass legislation that would prevent proposed voting restrictions in Texas from becoming law.

Leman said he is deeply disappointed in the members that chose to leave, and hopes that they come back so legislators can “conduct the business for the citizens of Texas.”



Leman said this affects legislation beyond the elections bill, pointing to bail reform, benefits for retired teachers and property tax relief as other topics being considered during this session, which is set to run through August 6th.  Democrats have indicated they are prepared to remain out of state until the session ends, but Abbott is able to continue calling special sessions through next year if necessary.

Leman believes this decision could backfire on the absent lawmakers come election time.



On Tuesday, Leman was among 76 legislators that voted 76-4 to issue a “call of the House” and send law enforcement to seek out the members who left without an excused absence, with the use of a warrant if necessary.  However, state troopers do not have jurisdiction outside of Texas, so lawmakers can only be arrested if they come back to the state.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. The regular session is 140 days, that seems like plenty of time to prepare and deal with any bills that are deemed to be important

  2. I am sitting here reading all these comments and it is apparent to me all of you are doing exactly what these politicians want you to do, from the federal level to the state and local level. While you are all busy arguing and calling each names, these politicians are laughing at you. They know that if they keep you fighting amongst one another. You won’t come together to hold them all accountable.

    To my left leaning friends…progressive utopia is a lie.
    To my conservative friends…..Conservatism is merely the shadow that follows leftism as it moves forward towards destruction, e.g., Romney, McConnell, Paddie, Bush etc.

  3. How have Democrats walked out on their job when their job is to be politicians? They’re making a big fuss, blowing everything out of proportion, grandstanding, and working over D.C. and the national press. They could hold quorum back in Austin, vote, lose in silence, and go home, or they can create a media circus. The very best that a Texas Democrat can hope to do is to wage asymmetric warfare against an all-powerful opponent. Like it or not, it sure seems that they’re doing a good job of it. And goodness knows that this very same thing is the only reason that the Republican leaders give a hoot. They’ve got to fall all over themselves about issues they don’t genuinely care about just to put on a farce and keep from getting primaried by somebody that’ll put on a bigger farce. That’s all it is. They’ll all just sway any way the wind blows. They’re politicians.

  4. The choice, Ben Leman, is one of walking out and refusing to participate in their Congressional duty or doing a poor job (GOP)! We applaud the Democrats for taking such a heroic stand. History will judge them as the victors against ignorant tyranny. Perhaps your disgust and anger is because you and the pathetic GOP are powerless to do anything without them! This is the other side of politics.

    1. I’d like to point out the last time the democrats did a walkout:

      A. The house gained about 20 seats republicans, strengthening their majority.

      B. The senate finally flipped.

      C. Wendy Davis lost by a 2:1 margin to Abbott.

      In short, if there’s one thing Texans both sides agree on…

      It’s we hate special sessions being needed.

      History has already judged democrats as the losers when they perform walkouts. I can almost guarantee they will again.

      I wouldn’t expect the state to flip blue in 2022 or 2024

      1. There will always be Democrats elected to Congress in Texas. They need not have a majority to conduct the people’s business. The Republicans have a majority and have done little. They restrict voting but leave ERCOT untouched and unchanged. They promise much but deliver little, never miss a photo op or an opportunity to blame Democrats when in fact the GOP is the majority. So, who should we blame for the back wood, redneck, stone age sentiments that keep Texas lost in time!

        1. Actually, the two items claimed to be restrictive by the democrats are REMOVED. The new bill EXTENDS the hours to 6 am-9 pm. That’s 15 hours. It also REMOVED the no voting on Sunday rule.

          We’ve also had voter ID for YEARS now. No issue until the “close” flipping of the state.

          And I can clearly see you’re not bothered to actually read media, because ERCOT IS fixing its grids. It’s why the power saving days we’ve had lately. This is in all leanings of media.

          They’ve delivered on MANY promises. If they hadn’t, Texas would’ve flipped.

          And be honest: the Democrats blame the GOP for things too. It goes both ways.

          Finally, I didn’t say NO democrats would be in the next Texas congress.

          I’m pointing out the REAL backward policies they’ve done by fleeing instead of taking a stand. More folks including me as a moderate are more WILLING to vote for FIGHTERS.

          The democrats here flat out and out showed cowardice, and now, we will be paying for a DEFINITELY unnecessary SECOND special session for it.

          And yes, I can say that there will be most likely more democrats who lose seats than republicans because of the above.

        2. You can’t argue with people who are true to the game. The game being completely bias and one sided. Open your eyes…. Imagine if this was the other way around, people who are true to the game would be spewing all sorts of names at Republicans for leaving. I’ll just walk out of my job and let others cover my wages. I promise I’ll argue for the things everyone claims are problems. Thanks in advance True.

  5. I support them fully, as do millions of others, for doing their real job, representing us. Because we believe in fair voting rights being the cornerstone of democracy. The current majority party in the state house for 2 decades has gerrymandered their position into power. And after this past election, it is evident the demographics in TX are changing and challenging their desperate actions to dictate. Democrats want fair representation, and we are secure and confident and have no need for dictators and their Jim Crowe edicts.

      1. Shorter voter times, cut backs on early voting and mail in voting. (Trump voted by mail for years including the 2020 election then sought to outlaw mail in voting because of FRAUD). Cancelling Sunday voting (this affects elderly and handicapped who depend on Churches and non profits for assistance), changing the rules regarding absentee voting for STARTERS! No one is disputing the need for a valid ID as a requirement for voting. IRREGARDLESS, IF PASSED THE RESTRICTIVE VOTING BILL WILL BE TIED UP IN COURT FOR A LONG TIME!

        1. True to the game, I’d like to correct you on a few items:

          A. The bill EXPANDS voting times to 6 am-9 pm. That’s 15 hours.

          There was only one county who ever FD 24-hour voting.

          B. The new bill REMOVED the Sunday MORNING ban.

          They could still vote on Sundays.

          Again: this was NOT a regular occurrence until COVID.

          C. Mail-in voting has always been allowed with photo ID. The bill prevents state wide automatic mailing of ballots WITHOUT id.

          It’s to prevent ballots mailed to addresses the voter doesn’t live in anymore ir deceased, as Texas still has issues expunging voter rolls.

          D. We’ve had only one week early voting. Abbott expanded it this year due to covid, which ironically lead to a lawsuit.

          E. There’s no changes to absentee voting as photo ID has been long required.

          F. They PULLED the rule that a polling place could disqualify votes if they felt cheating under way.


          In short, the democrats know that when folks see that NO their claims are false, as the two most contentious rules claiming discrimination were REMOVED.

          To be honest: the democrat walkout actually ENSURED they won’t retake control of Texas legislature and the state won’t flip blue in 2024.

          1. Most, if not all, of your select list of items included in the restrictive voting bill that Republicans are rushing to get passes are a result of push backs from the Democrats and committee negotiation. These items DID NOT START OUT the way you have so graciously presented them.
            Mail in ballots must be requested and they are not just mailed to voters on a whim. I have never had a mail in ballot suddenly show up at my address. Tax payers have a right to request and receive a mail in ballot without “kissing Trump’s ring”.
            Online voter registration was nullified. This makes it more difficult for people with tight schedules to register to vote.
            Lastly, we trust wholeheartedly our elected Democrats to do what is in the best interest of those who voted them into office. We need not retake the state, as you suggest, to have power and influence regarding what is legislated in Austin. You are witnessing a powerful demonstration of that in real time.

          2. True to the Game…

            EVERY ITEM I listed is in the REVISED bill.

            Bills are negotiated – congress 101/government 101.

            Mail in ballots are also NOT absentee votes.

            Your request description described ABSENTEE, which actually DOES require photo ID when requested.

            The Democrat definition of mail in is EXACTLY what I described.

            Voter registration – a. Isn’t nullified online (I looked), b. You get the cards at the post office, which has MULTIPLE locations and c. Can request one mailed to you.

            Finally, what we are seeing in this “demonstration” is cowardice, not bravery.

            BRAVERY is stay at the capitol and vote it down.

            Because Abbott WILL call another discuss session to get a vote, and the more democrats fritter away money and have fun at Texans’ expense – the MORE seats they LOSE.

            It won’t be 100% republicans but it’ll be enough where a walkout doesn’t affect the quorum.

            So this protest is doing NOTHING but helping Republicans maintain the majority.

          3. True to the game: they negotiated the bill to drop them – fact.

            Democrats walked out still – fact.

            Online registration remains – fact.

            You have to have ID to get an absentee ballot – fact.

            Absentee IS NOT the same as Democrat’s definition of mail-in – fact.

            You are seeing democrats ensure that they will NOT see the houses flip due to their walkout – fact.

            You are seeing a powerful demonstration of a temper tantrum that we all know would be called that if Republicans walked – FACT.

            Democrats are going to lose what seats gained in the states most recent election here – fact.


            If you want to be true to the game: be factual.

        2. The business offices of churches and community services of non-profits, do not carry out those functions on Sundays, as clearly Sunday is a reserved day for worship.

          1. Many churches locally DO in fact provide transportation for the elderly to and from the voting places using VOLUNTEERS! I guess your church is shut down for service on Sundays.

    1. Also please show one, just one person with facts, that can’t vote because of race, religion, or income. Just one….I’ll wait….

    2. Can you please tell us what part of the voting bill or any of the other bills on the agenda you don’t agree with?

    3. Democrats want easily manipulated elections. They want ballot harvesting. They want fraud. Their ideas aren’t convincing to the majority of common sense Texans so they need another way to win. Look at how many people are fleeing California and other leftists states to come to Texas. Why would we implement the policies that everyone else is trying to get away from?

      By the way, they didn’t represent you. They fled like cowards when they had a chance to represent their districts. They use tired, worn-out expressions like “voter suppression” when there is NONE contained in the proposed bills. Every legal voter can still vote under the proposed rules. And voting is EASY. Incredibly easy. I challenge you to find me one specific provision in the bill that prevents a legal voter from casting their vote. Just one! You can’t do it because the whole premise of voter suppression is a lie.

    4. AMEN! And you are not alone. We stand with you and those courageous Democrats who placed the welfare of the voter above party politics.

    5. I believe you are incorrect.
      Most people in Texas want their elected officials to show up for work, whether they like the sessions or not.
      Most people in Texas also want their elections to be as fair as possible, with every fail safe or extra precaution that is needed, set in place to make sure that All citezens have their votes counted, with No question of the integrity of the process.
      Read up on what has happened in the past, and what is being voted on.
      These issues are important and necessary.

    6. Once again, no facts, just rhetoric from those who cry racism and unfairness in voting laws. EVERYONE can easily obtain a state ID and at no charge. There is a huge difference between REQUESTING an absentee ballot and mailing in it vs MASS mailing ballots to anyone/everyone/even no one and mailing it in(allegedly). I see none that are defending these cowards have any problem with the voting laws in Delware(Where Biden is from) which have the most restrictive laws in the nation. Plain and simple, it’s very EASY to vote, this ain’t the ‘60s and suggesting it’s Jim Crow 2.0 is an absolute insult!!

  6. If I decided to walk out on my job, I would no longer have one. Everyone who left the state should be immediately removed from office and replaced. Our taxpayer dollars are being spent to allow these petulant toddlers to do whatever they want. They do NOT answer to the Democratic party. They answer to their constituents. I guarantee if I had voted for any of them, I would never support them again. It is apparent that bullying in politics has become acceptable and even encouraged. What a shame for our great state!

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