Okay Brenham and Washington County….I know you are better than this.  I know the people of this community are kinder and more compassionate than the mean spirited comments posted on the KWHI website.  Some folks are throwing a fit because they saw lots of people in downtown Brenham last weekend….and at Washington on the Brazos…and all over the fields of Bluebonnets.  They are adamant that the Mayor and County Judge should shut everything down and force people to stay inside their homes…just like Houston and Harris County have done.  How has that worked for them?  Most of the people you saw running all over downtown and across the county were tourists….from Harris County…..where they are supposed to be staying at home.

People have commented that we should shut down our grocery stores.  Now that would work out well for everyone.   Teachers from many school districts across the state have put together small parades of cars and trucks, and driven through their students’ neighborhoods.  These kids haven’t seen their teachers in weeks.  Yet when Brenham’s Junior High teachers planned a parade this week, the backlash on social media was so awful that the school district cancelled it.  Really folks?  You think it’s unsafe for kids to step out onto their front porch and wave at their teachers as they drive by?  The craziness doesn’t stop there.  Several people have questioned why the City is still doing its Spring Eggs Art Walk downtown.   That can’t be safe, can it?  It’s some large, decorated eggs displayed throughout downtown so people can drive or walk by and see them.  Then they can go online to and vote for their favorite eggs.  Folks…Brenham is not New York City.  If you are walking along the sidewalk downtown and see someone approaching, you can easily move more than 6 feet away from them.  Heck, you can cross the street to walk on the other side if you want.

Please don’t think I’m downplaying the seriousness of Covid-19.  What I’m asking is for people to use their heads.  Keep yourself safe with social distancing, wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.  Take responsibility for yourself and your family.  If you want to stay inside your house for a month, then do it.  But don’t trample the rights of others who enjoy getting outside for some exercise.  Our local leaders are trying to do everything possible to keep our economy afloat, yet keep our citizens safe.  But you have to take some responsibility for yourself.  Get off of social media and spend some time enjoying life…it’s precious.

And that’s the way it looks to this Spectator.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. I’m really impressed and relieved that finally the truth has been published and been on KWHI news feed for the public!
    I’m also hoping that the community or anyone that has a negative comment to this true statement on all points whether your on the fence or the in the closet on this issue that the whole world is dealing with finds some clarity!

    This in my opinion is the Truth the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!

    So if we all can find some peace because all the hate on any and all social media outlets will come back just like karma then who are you gonna blame? Look in the mirror…

    I’ll speak for all the believers that this will pass but as they’ve been saying it’s gonna take each and everyone on the same page to get back to normal!

    I’m thankful and proud to live in Brenham because it’s times like this when the real truth comes out whether good or bad and you really see the true colors!

    Great, Great Job Tom! We appreciate you and the whole KWHI staff!

  2. Good job, Tom! We have to have good common sense but people still have to be able to get out for a little while. Sorry people were so unkind. It is very serious and we will all get back to our routines in due time. Prayers for our community so that we are kept to a minimal number of cases. Thanks to all our healthcare workers as well!

  3. Hey Tom,

    A calm voice in the midst of a hurricane…Tom and I certainly have had our disagreements over the years but I can say this – he’s correct. I work in emergency management and have for years- my team has been keeping tabs on this virus since the end of December. There are a lot of incorrect facts floating around, a lot of rumors and a whole lot of negativity. This is a scary virus. And while the numbers of those who get sick and die are reported there is a number that hasn’t been – and that’s the ones that recover. As the number of cases rise – and with testing continuing they will – so will the deaths.. But more importantly so will those who recover.

    This isn’t the flu and it is serious. Our medical professionals, health care personnel and first responders are exhausted. Our PPE stockpile is limited at best. So what we can do – ALL of us – is really simply. We learned it from our mommas. Wash your hands. Keep your hands off your face. Practice social distancing. Don’t hoard. Check on your neighbors/family/frriends through phone calls, emails, Facebook, NextDoor – Lord we have the technology – just ask your kids.

    The economic recovery is going to be tough. Texas responses to disasters better than any state in the nation – so let’s respond to this one – and the aftermath of economic recovery just as strong. We can do this. #stayhometexas

  4. When you let your guard down, that’s when the enemy can attack. So far I haven’t heard many cases in Wash Co. But to keep it that way we have to be vigilant. We don’t know who is visiting our down town or where they are from. If we want to keep our stats low, then we need to follow the guidelines and doing this peacefully preferably. The 19 cases I’ve heard about are from visitors most likely so we are not invincible after all. To each there own but I think it’s wisest to stay at home except for food. God bless you all and may God protect our town and all it’s people.

  5. Thank you so much for saying all this! This is a hard time for everyone and it is wonderful to hear something positive.

  6. The Stay at Home Order issued by Governor Abbott applies to all of Texas. Regardless of one’s views on the issue, we should all comply, including Washington County.

  7. Thank you Spectator! Your post is refreshing and makes me relieved to know there is common sense still out there. I believe our city and local leaders are doing a great job in trying to manage an extremely convoluted situation.

  8. It saddened me when they cancelled the teacher drive, waving at kids on their front porch. I’m sure the kids were totally disappointed . I did not see the comments & wondered why it was cancelled Very sad the adults are acting like spoiled brats. Your not always going to get ur way & what harm would have come by doing this ??

  9. While this sounds all rainbows and butterflies, can you really assume that people young and old with no concept of cross contamination and infection control are really capable of not touching any surfaces and not touching their face? What happens when the wind blows their hair into their face and they can’t see ? They are going to use their fingers that just touched door handles and metal railings, etc to self innoculate themselves with the virus that someone in the crowd is carrying and shedding. How about readjusting those sunglasses? Repositioning the baseball cap? Or even better: wearing gloves but touching everything in sight and spreading it while reaching in your purse with gloves on, using a pen or keys, all with the same dirty gloves? Do you think everyone is going to disinfect the soles of their shoes after tromping over the sidewalks with sneeze and cough droplets from the crowd? I certainly don’t enjoy the situation we are in, but I want my parents to live through this and be there to share wisdom with their grandchildren and great grandchildren……. if we can behave for a couple weeks , this will be over soon, if not……..

  10. Thank You for your “Voice of reason” I think some of the people making those Outrageous statements have seen too many Sc Fi movies. One woman even posted that if you die you cannot have a funeral or be embalmed !! Not sure where she got THAT information from, But it is False, Its false statements like that , That help spread the panic. I have had two friends that contracted the Covid-19 virus , Bothe are recovered and doing well. Its not the Plague. I do agree people should stay home, But not everyone will adhere to that line of thinking, I suggest that people get their information from Local news sources and limit their tv news watching time to no more than 30 minutes a day. watching a 24 hour news cycle about Covid-19 is not healthy for anyone. My wife works in Healthcare and I can tell you she is stressed and tired. so please keep all healthcare worker in your prayers. Stop blaming our public officials. If you know of a better way of doing things, please call them , Suggest it, they will appreciate your input. But claiming the world is ending is nor healthy for any one. This too shall pass. And we will resume of lives and be thankful for what we have learned. Thank you Mr Spectator for your calming Voice of Reason.

  11. Thanks Spectator! I have witnessed too often that folks are not social distancing when in places like the post office or grocery store. They want to be right on top of you to which I remind them of the measures in place and to back up. And the most vulnerable are out and about at an alarming rate, but I won’t infringe on their rights. I just hope they don’t catch it. I understand everyone needs their necessities, but try to minimize or eliminate unnecessary trips, find alternative options, and really determine your wants versus needs. We’ll get through this Washington County!

  12. I must make this comment. I understand the voice of reason, but the fear is real. When you follow the news, about this ‘invisible enemy’ and the death rates keep going up, coupled with being older, the result is a desperate need to help find a solution. The fact is most of the cases are described as community spread, and the fact is, people are NOT being responsible and keeping their distance. I know we are not New York, but you saw what they had to do there, and in Florida…..and in California…..etc.
    My comment is not made to generate more fear, but to ask people to please be responsible…

  13. You echoed my feelings exactly. I have been very upset by the amount of negativity displayed by so many. It’s like they want the local government, who is following all the recommended guidelines, to come and tuck them in at night. Businesses are doing what they can to be responsible yet be able to pay their employees and bills.. We need more than just groceries, for example, if your toilet broke and all the hardware stores were closed what do you do? People, think logically and sanely. Do what YOU should do to keep you and your family safe, also do what you can do to help your friends and neighbors, that has always been what made this community great – don’t lose that.

  14. Thanks Spectator- well you made some good points and I do agree with you. However you did not mention the alarming plan I heard that there’s a citizen’s petition going around to ask Brenham city and our sheriffs to use their drones to fly over the county and search for any person who is outside their home and instruct them to get back inside or they person is to be subjected to a fine or arrest. The petition is organized by a group who have pushed our County Judge for a full shut down of all economic and recreational activities.

    1. I had not heard of this ridicules’ petition , I Live in the country on an acre of land I was out all day Mowing my yard and just relaxing, The fresh air did my soul good, I did not encounter another person, so I did not put anyone in Danger as I was never in danger, People have lost their minds, Common sense really isn’t so common any more. Thank you Greg for bringing this news of a petition to light,

    2. Greg, can you cite a source, so I can look it up. I don’t doubt there are crazies out there lobbying for “martial law.”

      As much as I’d like to believe common sense will prevail and the petition is filed at the trash bin, we still need to be vigilant regarding our rights.

  15. Some of us have elderly people to care for and are forced to go to work or lose our job. Therefore we are FORCED to interact with people that potentially have the virus. If the judge would call for a stay at home order. Then and only then I would be able to have the FREEDOM to choose to stay at home without fear of losing my job. And by doing so, not jeopardize the health of my loved ones who are being FORCED to rely on me (the contaminated one) to care for them. None of the people in office from the judge to the commissioners to the sheriff will get my vote again.

    1. This is a very important point that I believe some may be missing. Yes, it is incumbent on all of us as individuals to make proper choices for ourselves, as free as possible from government interference. But as this poster points out, this situation is a little more complex. This virus is highly contagious, and asymptomatic seemingly-healthy individuals can easily and unknowingly transmit to those dependent upon them for food, shelter, and care. (Not to mention to the elderly person near them in the grocery store who may have no one to supply them with urgently needed items.)
      I suspect unemployment benefits would not be available to those breadwinners who quit jobs that are continuing to operate in spite of recommendations.

      As a community we must try to slow the rate of infection to avoid overwhelming the Brazos Valley health infrastructure. People are still having babies, heart attacks, etc and need urgent care available. We have to think of each other, of all of us as a family, not just our immediate families and personal protection.
      Best wishes and health to all-

    2. I don’t think they can force you to work. Even if you lose your job, you can get unemployment and because you lost your job due to the coronavirus, you get extra funds on top of the regular unemployment funds too. But I don’t think firing you would stick because of why you had to leave. I say go for it and keep yourself and you family safe:)

  16. Well said! It’s like someone said, how many people have to die before you start taking care of yourself? And not everyone else!

  17. My thoughts: the citizens feel that as long as there are social activities posted by radio, news and paper then people are not going to take it seriously. Last time I went to the grocery store, Sunday, people were still blocking aisle to visit each other, bringing all their children and acting las if it were regular shopping. This endangers the lives of employees and other shoppers trying to take the precautions. Every announcement on news and social media is to stay home unless necessary, from as high up as our governor, yet we are going to drive through neighborhoods for the kids to see their teachers? Is that sending the right message to the children about following rules? I do think Washington County is better than that and smarter. Necessary trips with only one family member.

  18. Hear, hear! Thank you. We can never have too many family picnics, nature scavenger hunts, spring wildflower drives and family vegetable gardens. What you find in church gatherings can still be found inside yourselves. We all become stronger with each adversity.

  19. Well Mr Spectator, if you watch the news and the government doctors, you will know what needs to be done to stop the spread. It’s not everybody out running around. They are asking everybody to stay at home to stop the spread not go out and do as you please go out and exercise, go to the grocery store but not every day, go get your medicines if you need to, and then go back home. We are a small community, and with the cases we have we should be a stay at home shelter in place order. There are communities that only have one case that have already issued the shelter in place. That’s probably because they watch with the government and the doctors have recommended which is the only way to stop the spread not people going out doing as they please touch and everything spitting on the ground. Some of us stay at home and do what we’re asked to not because we want to but we’re trying to stop the spread in the quicker we stop it the quicker we can all get back out to work and enjoy life. But if you only have a few that do what the government in the doctors recommend, then it’s gonna take twice as long. Obviously nobody is watching the briefings or what the doctors are saying. Brenham and Washington County always seem to be it’s not gonna happen here or we’re better than everybody else. This virus does not pick and choose who it affects what state it’s in what county it’s in what country it’s in. The only way to get rid of this virus, is to make people stay at home and quit spreading it

  20. I think it is because HEB hasn’t had toilet paper or frozen vegetables in three weeks. It’s obvious there are people coming out here to shop. It’s frustrating to have to keep going in to feed our families. Some are trying to stay home.

    1. I live in Brenham cannot find any toilet paper for a month got lucky the other day in H-E-B 2;30 I finally got one package toilet paper well guess what a Gentlemen grabbing several said he was from Houston purchasing the items in the mean time I getting one fir a Senior citizen on oxygen asking me to help her get 1 now that explains why all the stores are running out same thing happen in dollar general that’s a shame people in Houston lots of store to shop for their items

  21. Sorry, but you are 100% wrong on this one. Per capita, Washington County has more confirmed Covid-19 cases than Brazos County; yet it is the “good-ole boys” network that keeps this ill-advised and inaccurate social distancing theory alive. Please take the advice of those smarter and with more hands-on experience and stay home. It is the moral responsibility of our community leaders to lead by example and words. Closing grocery stores is plain fear-mongering and not on the essential services list. We can and should do better.

    1. Pops…I’m sorry to hear that I’m 100% wrong that I thought Brenham and Washington County people are more kinder and more compassionate than all of the mean spirited comments. I’m sorry that I’m 100% wrong that Houston and Harris County people are visiting our community despite a “stay at home” order in their own. Sorry I’m 100% wrong by thinking it is safe for kids to stand on their porches and wave as their teachers drive by. I guess I was 100% wrong about encouraging people to take responsibility for themselves by social distancing, washing their hands often, and not touching their faces. And I was obviously wrong for encouraging people to get off of social media and spend time enjoying life. You get my point. Folks, we welcome your opinions here…but please don’t disparage other people’s opinions and at least take the time to read and understand what they are saying.

      1. Brenham needs to stop and listen, it’s not immune! Big city visitors are always stopping in Brenham and it increases the chance of infection and spread. I love my hometown and want everyone to stay safe so I can see them again. Please take this seriously Brenham, I love y’all.

    2. Community spread does not mean that just the people that live here are spreading it. Do you realize how many people pass through Washington County on their journey to another town. They stop at gas stations convenience stores etc. They touch the lever at the gas pump, the door handles to the store and what not. They could be infected an thus it gets spread to our community, People just need to use their common sense and they will be okay. Sometimes you can follow all the rules and still lose. No one has all the answers but together we can resolve the issue. Yes “We can do better” operative word is “We”. The Spectator is a realist, he hit the nail on the head of what the majority of us are thinking, why stop living your life, you know the rules just follow them and you will be fine. Be an example to your children to be strong and responsible.

  22. Thank you for reminding us that there are things we can still do while we remain safe.

  23. Tom,
    Agreed many folks are getting somewhat paranoid and believe our officials should lock down everything. I myself agree with our elected officials that people should take personal responsibility . My questioning the downtown egg walk was to keep people off the streets unnecessarily, if it can all be done online thats even better but folks need to be informed about this. The 6 foot distance is a minimum, virus particles from a cough or sneeze can travel up to 15 to 20 feet, especially is a breeze.
    Its great that people still want to drive around and look at the flowers, etc., out in the open they can distance themselves much easier and be safer.
    Stay safe!

      1. Great to have classmates with Common Sense& best of all HUMOR….way to go Andy Clinton & Rebecca Schroeder.

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