Kenneth Lattimore
Kenneth Lattimore (Washington Co. Jail)

A former Brenham Junior High School teacher’s aide, arrested on a felony assault charge back in November, has been no-billed by the Washington County Grand Jury.

61-year old Kenneth Justin Lattimore of Brenham was no-billed by the grand jury back on February 25th, after a four-hour presentation by the District Attorney’s office.

Lattimore was charged with Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, after he allegedly struck an ISS student with a baseball bat.

BISD officials say Lattimore is no longer employed by the district.

Washington County District Attorney Julie Renken says her office has no plans to present the case again to the grand jury.

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  1. Thank God for justice. But the problem still exists. No discipline in the schools will lead to more teachers having to physically defend themselves from these OVERLY protected, UNDISCIPLINED, WANNABE ADULTS, OUT OF LINE, SPOILED ROTTEN, SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT FILLED, THOUGHTLESS, HEARTLESS, UNAPPRECIATIVE, HARD HEADED, BACK TALKING, OVERLY DISRESPECTFUL, UNRULY kids… And to make matters worse, the people who gave birth to them (society calls them parents, but I won’t insult the sanctity of parenthood by calling them PARENTS) are encouraging their little ones to disobey the teachers and any other authority figures who are not them. They don’t teach them or discipline them and then dare the teachers to teach them and discipline them. It’s a shame before God. Have mercy on our country God. We will be the cause of our own demise. Our future is in jeopardy with the parents and youth of today..

  2. They got it right…If parents would teach and discipline their kids, teachers would not need to defend themselves. But in most cases the parents are not any better than the little rats they send for others to deal with. Time for someone to get them on the right path and stand up to these brats.

  3. I really believe the grand jury did exactly the right thing in this case. This case if a prime example of how discipline in our school system is almost completely gone to the point that teachers and employees with student contact are becoming afraid for their safety. I had hoped the school system would have learned from this case and found ways to bring some discipline and order back to our schools but they have completely failed to recognize they even have a problem. The principals and administrators are completely ignoring the very serious problems that are happening in our schools and a purposeful systemic approach to EFFECTIVE discipline is completely lacking. The teachers are no longer given any support or backing from their principals.

    We are indeed watching Rome slowly burn………………..

  4. OMG…. That’s crazy!!! My son is locked up over some stupid stuff and he got 10 years in prison. The boy didn’t even come close to what he the teacher aide did!!! Wow… This system is so messed up!! There’s more to this story that wasn’t told.

  5. This is crazy! I’m sure he didn’t purposely hit a student and was most likely defending himself against the student! These kids in this classroom are very disrespectful and disruptive in class therefore have to be removed from class and put in ISS. I’m sure there is much more to this story!

    1. Just because I child is in ISS doesn’t mean anything I’ve seen the best most respectful students you’ll ever meet in ISS over simple things. There is no such thing as accidentally hitting someone with a bat. He’s a grown man he can defend himself without a weapon. Let that had been your child you’d be raising hell wanting justice.

      1. My child would never have been acting like that in the first place! It starts with parents teaching their children RESPECT!!!

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