Austin County Judge Carolyn Bilski along with former Washington County Judge Dorothy Morgan have been getting the latest updates from the Texas Council on Community Centers, in a statewide conference in San Antonio this week.

Judge Bilski says the terms ‘mental health and mental retardation’ have taken on such negative connotations that the state commission on mental health issues change the name of MH-MR, to the Council on Community Centers.

The Centers themselves have also taken on new names.  For instance the one-time Brenham State School is now known as the Brenham State Supported Living Center.

She said that mental health issues are a primary concern, and they affect many people in many different ways.  Bilski says one of the points of discussion dealt with people who have survived massive safety disasters, such as the Bastrop fires a few years ago.

Austin County Judge Carolyn Bilski says the Texas Council on Community Centers dealt with mental health issues after disasters.
Austin County Judge Carolyn Bilski says the Texas Council on Community Centers dealt with mental health issues after disasters.


Judge Bilski also said the conference dealt with the early detection of mental health issues.

She  is also concerned with the Austin County Commissioners meeting Monday.  She says the Commissioners will also be concerned about disaster relief and how best to handle such contingencies during Monday’s meeting.

Among the ongoing concerns the County Commissioners will take up are continuing problems with the 54-year old courthouse in Bellville.   Judge Bilski says the air conditioning system needs an upgrade and that is one matter the Commissioners are expected to resolve at Monday’s meeting.

The Austin County Commissioners meet Monday morning at nine at the courthouse in Bellville.

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