The Brenham City Council will meet on Thursday to conduct several public hearing concerning amending zoning in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Brenham.
During the Public Hearing Session of the meeting, several amendments to the Official Zoning Map of the City of Brenham will be requested.
The Public Hearing to consider the zoning change on several tracts of land on S. market Street between Baylor and E Mansfield and E Stone is no longer active.
The applicant that originally submitted this request has withdrawn the request from consideration. While this item pertained to a city initiated rezoning request this was tied directly to the applicant requesting rezoning of his properties to the north of these tracts. This item on the agenda due to the fact the City notified the newspaper and sent out 200 foot notices in addition to stating that residents would have the option to voice concern or support for this item at the last Planning and Zoning meeting. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to deny this item by a vote of 2-1 with one Commissioner not voting which constitutes a vote in favor of the motion so the technical vote is 3-1 to deny the request. The city is no longer interested in rezoning the tracts now that the applicant has withdrawn his request.
Also on the agenda is the possible purchase of new vehicles for the Brenham Police Department from the BuyBoard Local Government Purchase Cooperative.
The Council will also discuss a recommendation from the Tourism and Promotions Council Sub-Committee related to the use of Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds for the Marketing and promotion of the Simon Conference Center.
The discussion and possible approval of the purchase and installation of playground equipment for the Planned Park Development Project, which would connect Fireman’s Park and the Nancy Carol Roberts Memorial Library is also up on the agenda.
An possible Interlocal Agreement between the City of Brenham and the City of College Station for a Cooperative Purchase Program is also up for discussion.
The City Council will also discuss the purchase of an EZ Hauler Mini-Digger Derrick and Trailer for the City’s Electric Department, and the possible purchase of two backhoes for the gas and water departments.
Discussion and possible action on an Ordinance on the First Reading Amending the FY 2014-2015 Adopted Budget is also on the agenda.
The City Council meets on the second floor of City Hall Council Chambers at 200 W Vulcan at 1:00pm.