Gov. Greg Abbott

The U.S. Attorney General has threatened to legally challenge Gov. Greg Abbott’s order that state troopers pull over drivers transporting migrants who pose a risk of carrying COVID-19.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has told Abbott in a letter, his orders are “dangerous and unlawful.”  Garland goes on to say the executive order “violates federal law in numerous respects, and Texas cannot lawfully enforce the Executive Order against any federal official or private parties working with the United States.”

Garland said the Department of Justice will “pursue all appropriate legal remedies to ensure that Texas does not interfere with the functions of the federal government” if Abbott does not rescind the order.

Wednesday, Abbott issued the order, allowing DPS troopers to reroute civilian vehicles back to their origin point or seize the vehicles, if police suspect the driver is transporting migrants who are infected with the virus.


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  1. I feel it’s better to succeed from the US and take care of our own. But they say war is the only way. Which you think is best. We can’t keep going like we are. Our economy right now will fall if the Federal Government keeps this up

  2. The Democratic Party has violated federal laws repeatedly!! This has become a necessity caused by Biden’s and Democrat’s effort to increase their voting base. Strictly political! Leave Texas alone!! We know what is best for our state and you could care less. The humanitarian crisis caused by this partisan activity will come back to bite you.

  3. Nothing wrong with stopping the spread of covid ……..oh wait it is suppose to be ok if its feds spreading it.

  4. It is not about the importation of the virus with migrants or illegals. If he was truly concerned about the virus he would not be telling everyone there is no need for them to vaccinate. But he is PROLIFE right? The hypocrisy is mind boggling. It is nothing more than vote pandering to the self absorbed.

  5. The Feds policy of undermining and ignoring immigration laws is a violation of federal law. The Feds can either do their jobs or mind their own business.

  6. This is one significant thing Gov. Abbott is doing. I disagree with his stance on ignoring abuse of chained dogs. However, I support this action wholeheartedly. He is attempting to protect our state from the further spread and devastation of COVID infected people. Reroute the infected migrants to the White House!

  7. US Federal officials care NOTHING for Texans. I stand with our state and it’s Governor.

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