The Bluebonnet Master Gardeners of Washington County are set to present the 2021 “Lunch-N-Learn” series to be hosted on the first Tuesday of each month, September-thru-November.
The series begins Tuesday and includes topics related horticulture with the homeowner and backyard gardener in mind.
The Lunch-N-Learn Sessions will be held at the Washington County Expo Sales Facility on East Blue Bell Road in Brenham. All programs are free to the public and you are welcome to bring your own lunch and drink.
The program Tuesday will feature Wildflowers; October 5th, Trees—Recovery, Pruning and more; and November 2nd, Roses—Purchase to Pruning.
Program registration will begin at 11:50 am with the program beginning at 12:05 pm and concluding at 12:55. At the conclusion of each session the speaker and our Washington County Master Gardeners will be available to answer questions.
For more information, contact the Washington County Extension Service at (979) 277-6212 or visit the Washington County Extension Service website at