Brenham ISD is now accepting applications for its 2023-2024 Gifted and Talented Education Program.

Students in Kindergarten through the 12th Grade may participate in the Gifted and Talented nomination, assessment, and identification process.

To nominate your child for the Gifted and Talented Education Program, pick up a parent checklist, and a request for a screening from your child’s campus counselor, or the Brenham ISD Administration Office at 711 East Mansfield Street.

Forms must be returned to the campus counselor by a deadline of December 15.

BISD will utilize multiple assessments to identify gifted and talented learners and their needs.

Testing is scheduled to begin on campuses during the week of January 9th. The exact schedule will vary from campus to campus based on school activities.

Campus counselors and district personnel will meet on March 4th to review collected data and determine eligibility.

Notification of the results will be received by mail.  Letters are going to be sent out no later than March 8.

If accepted into the program, parents will then need to fill out a permission form for their child to receive the services in the GT program.

Parents with any further questions can go online to  They can also contact their campus counselor, or BISD Director of Continuous Learning Peggy Still at 979-277-3895.

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