The Texas Department of Transportation’s Bryan District is developing plans to widen a portion of State Highway 105.

The area along SH 105 in question is a six-mile stretch from State Highway 6 to State Highway 249 in Grimes County.

According to the Bryan office, since the opening of SH 249, traffic volume has increased, which has also led to an increase in traffic congestion. 

TxDOT is hoping that this planned project will reduce congestion, enhance safety, and improve regional mobility along the SH 105 corridor.

Proposed improvements include:

Widening the existing two-lane highway to a four-lane divided highway with two lanes in each direction, separated by a grass median.

Constructing a direct connect interchange at the intersection of SH 6 and SH 105.

Constructing a grade-separated overpass at the intersection of FM 362 and SH 105.

They are also looking providing turn lanes at selected intersections along the corridor.

The project has an estimated start of 2030 with TxDOT looking to schedule a public meeting to receive feedback from the public in 2024.

TxDOT said that they are committed to working closely with the community to ensure that interested citizens can comment, voice concerns, and ask questions.

If anyone has any questions or comments, they can call the project team at 979-778-9231.

You can also visit www.txdot.gov, and enter SH 105 widening in the search bar.

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  1. Oh boy! This if frightening after what TXDOT did to SH105 from Montgomery east to Conroe and intersection with I-45. They put in all this curbing that is now having to be torn out due to poor planning by the engineers.

  2. Don’t know why the state highway people didn’t fix the 105 to Navasota right away. 105 is a death trap.

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