The Washington County Commissioners Court is scheduled to take up a number of items at their next meeting on Tuesday.

One of the items to be discussed are the recommendations for the Hotel Occupancy Tax Grant funding for the Spring 2024.

In addition to that, two of the local Volunteer Fire Departments are seeking help from the County to purchase new vehicles.  Burton VFD is wanting to purchase a new fire truck, while the Gay Hill VFD is requesting a new Brush Truck.

Commissioners are also scheduled to hear the quarterly impact report from the Washington County Extension Service.

Other agenda items include:

Authorizing the County Auditor to seek Request for Qualifications for Financial Audit Services

Adopting a revised fee schedule for the Washington County Environmental Department

Approving a final plat for the Chadwick Hogan Estates in Precinct Two

And authorizing the County Engineer to seek bids for the annual aviation fuel contract.

The Washington County Commissioners meet on Tuesday at 9am at the Washington County Courthouse.

Following the Commissioners meeting, there will be a public meeting of the Pecan Glen Road District.  They are going to discuss awarding a contract for ditch maintenance on Desirable Circle to Schrader Construction Company for $2,500.

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