Unity Theatre in Brenham is inviting the public to their new production, the Neil Simon comedy, “The Star-Spangled Girl.”
“The Star-Spangled Girl,” is set in 1967. Andy and Norman are two earnest young men using their apartment as a publishing office for a “protest” magazine in San Francisco.
Sophie, an Olympic swimmer and all-American girl, moves into an apartment on the same floor, and her friendliness and charm leave Norman hopelessly smitten.
And while she is convinced that they are editing a dangerously subversive magazine, Sophie soon finds that her real source of annoyance is that the wrong man is pressing his attentions on her.
The play runs on the Unity Theatre Main Stage from June 13-30. Curtain times are Thursdays at 7:30pm, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, and Sundays at 2pm. Tickets are $30 each.
There is a special preview performance on Thursday, June 13, with a special price of $23. It also features a talk back session with the cast and the creative team after the performance.
On Saturday, June 22, there will be a director’s chat that is open to the public a half hour before the show starts.
Circle Member Reservations began today (Monday). Subscriber reservations begin on May 28. Public tickets go on sale starting on June 3.
For more information, you can contact the Unity Theatre Box Office, at 979-830-8358, or send an e-mail to Tickets@UnityBrenham.org.