Law enforcement agencies in Washington County recently performed an operation to address traffic safety. 

On Friday, July 19th, the Brenham Police Department, Washington County Constables, DPS and Washington County Communications conducted a joint operation on Highway 290 through a task force called the Highway Enforcement and Traffic (H.E.A.T.) Unit. 

The H.E.A.T. Unit aims to increase law enforcement presence in areas of high traffic complaints and traffic incidents.  Its primary goal is to reduce the number of those complaints and incidents, educate the public, and protect citizens and visitors to Brenham and Washington County.

The initial operation, which was four hours long, resulted in 64 traffic stops for various violations of the law. 

Anyone who wishes to report a traffic complaint or an area of concern can contact the Washington County Communications non-emergency number at 979-277-7373. 

The departments involved in the task force thank the public for their communication and concerns. 

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  1. Please add state highway 105 between Brenham and Navasota
    I drive this road everyday and it’s a death trap
    Especially after 5:00 PM
    Passing with cars coming head on so everyone has to hit the shoulder to avoid an accident. Definitely lots of severe speeding
    Thanks for working 290 also

  2. When traveling around the loop be it 36 or 290 at posted speeds and even a few over very seldom is uneventful because someone will blow by or cut you off. city county and state always looking to supplement income because of some reason or another there is a gold mine traveling through Washington co get us some $$$ and make County HWYs safe again

    1. I can’t tell you how many people have passed me in the turning lane on the loop. If I was going the speed limit or turning. They fly by as if the speed limit is 60 mph. That also went for when the bridge on 290 was in construction. People would still be going 80 or would try to run you over if you would go the posted speed limit.

  3. Why wasn’t the Sheriff’s Office participating in this? It seems like all the other agencies did.

    1. Sheriff’s office has limited amount of patrol officers cause this county spends so much on the EMS which is around 10 million a year in funding. So we reap what we sow. Want a change get rid of the leadership that supports this misalignment of funding? Under funding our Sheriff’s office is not the Sheriff’s fault. No one got a vote on this they just did it to us.Look at the payroll alone of the EMS it will just blow your mind on what these folks make a year Who risk their life to safe yours? Not the EMS I promise you that they stay in the truck till all is safe. The EMS in better here than anywhere but anytime you have something really outstanding something else is paying the price. The balance just is not there. That’s why we need common sense leadership.

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