Washington County Commissioners approved a revised job description today (Tuesday) for the county jail administrator.

Human Resources Director Angela Mlcak explained that the revision to Jail Chief Deputy Eric Hensley’s position formally adds the jail medical responsibilities that he has taken on through the transition to MedHealth as the jail’s new medical provider.  It also corrects the pay grade previously listed and the number of employees who directly report to Hensley. 

The job description was at the center of discussion two weeks ago when commissioners voted 3-2 to deny a 6 percent merit pay increase for Hensley, which was requested due to those extra responsibilities.  Commissioner Kirk Hanath, one of those who voted against, said at the time that the extra duties needed to be outlined in the job description first, and that the added pay needed to be taken up during budget talks instead of regular commissioners court.

Mlcak said today’s approval was just to update Hensley’s job description.  It does not include the 6 percent raise, which will have to come separately.

Also at today’s meeting, commissioners agreed to add a corporal position for the sheriff’s office patrol division and approve the associated job description.  Mlcak said this is a new position that until now has been informally utilized within the sheriff’s office.  The promotion comes with a 3 percent salary increase, and the position leads patrol shift activities when a sergeant is not available.

In other personnel business, commissioners approved an extra clerk position in the District Clerk and County Clerk offices for the last quarter of 2024.  Mlcak said the current chief deputy clerks are retiring at the end of the year, and this gives the opportunity for them to train staff members.  The positions will no longer be necessary once new chief deputy clerks are selected next year. 

After closing out the regular meeting, the court went into a public meeting for the Pecan Glen Road District to propose the 2024 property tax rate, used to support road upgrades within the road district.  The tax only applies to residents in the Pecan Glen subdivision.

The proposed rate is $0.297725 per $100 valuation.  The rate is listed as the voter-approval rate, but it is lower than the no-new-revenue rate of $0.308024 per $100, as well as the existing tax rate of $0.33407 per $100.    

Also in court, commissioners:

  • Approved an 8 percent wage and consumer price index (CPI) increase for Trinity Food Services, concerning inmate meals at the county jail.  Jail Chief Deputy Eric Hensley said this is an annual increase that accounts for rising food prices. 
  • Approved a right-of-way easement for Concho Valley Electric Cooperative, pertaining to Washington County’s school land in Tom Green County.  County Judge John Durrenberger said the easement is being adjusted to give better access to a house and move it away from cattle pens.  The adjustment comes at no cost to the county.
  • Approved a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Baranowski Road and FM 389 in Precinct 4, consisting of 10.2 acres.
  • Approved a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Christian Cemetery Road in Precinct 4, consisting of 73.65 and 23.13 acres.
  • Approved a right-of-way permit application for the 2024 Washington County Fair trail ride.
  • Discussed a formal notice from Magnolia Oil & Gas Operating, LLC for a lay flat water line along the county right-of-way of Upshaw Road in Precinct 4.  No action was required.
  • Discussed a formal notice from Industry Telephone Company for a underground fiber cable line across the county right-of-way of Mayer Cemetery Road in Precinct 4.  No action was needed.
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One Comment

  1. We have a huge problem with salary fairness in this county and its needs to be addressed. Larry Deramus director EMS in 2023 salary 163,410 his next in line 133,000 these are Paramedics not Doctors,lawyers,or Civil engineers. Lawyer Eric Berg 162,501 Renee Mueller 157,198. Does anyone else see a problem with this? Look it up. EMS has a nearly 10 million yearly funding. Stop this trend please and the WCC vote 3-2 to defund the Chief of the jail. Something stinks bad cause I as a taxpayer believe this is upside down. Deramus pay is and I report 278 per cent higher than the average this is ridiculous. We need someone to look into the wage difference in the interest of fairness.

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