The Washington County community is invited to observe Black History Month at the James Emerson Dennis Jr. Black History Forum.
There will be a program presented every Monday during the month of February at the Cannery Kitchen in Brenham from 6-7:30pm.
The first program, which is this Monday night, will focus on local Brenham history.
One of the speakers will be Texas Ten Historical Explorers President Dr. Tina Henderson. Dr. Henderson will discuss her work on the local Black history displays developed in conjunction with the Smithsonian’s “Museum on Main Street” exhibit that was recently in Brenham.
She will be joined by Washington County Historical Commission member and community activist Cheryl DaBera, as well as Sireta Tarvar Cuerington, who attended Pickard High School.
Other programs this month include Dr. Lori Banks of Prairie View A&M University covering food and science on February 10th, Brenham Police Chief Lloyd Powell discussing Black officers on February 17th, and Dr. Michael Royster of Prairie View A&M University examining the life of Malcolm X on February 24th.
In addition to the speakers, the Forum will feature presentations from the James Emerson Dennis Jr. Black History Club at Brenham High School.
Local musicians and singers will also perform.
The programs are free of charge and open to the public. Refreshments will be available as well.
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