Tuesday 02-11-2025
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For Sale: (2) properties in Washington – (17) acres, secluded, has seasonal creek, lots of trees, lg. 5000 sq. ft. shop w/ studio apartment, great for ranch work or mechanic, several building sites, has electrical, NO restrictions ; (27) acres, secluded, lg. Live Oak trees, good pasture, has nice 1911 farm house, 4500 sq. ft. shop – 936-668-1528 SERIOUS CALLS ONLY
For Sale: Miniature Bernedoodle pups, (3) males and (2) females, have shots and dewormed, ready to go, perfect for Valentine’s Day – 979-221-4821
For Sale: 24” Kenmore compact washer/dryer laundry center $250 – 979-277-8764
For Sale: Beef Quarters – front quarters $575 and rear quarters $795, cut/wrapping incl. ; For RENT: motor grader $1550/day – 713-870-7272 or shatzee10@hotmail.com
For Sale: boxes of clothes – (20) prs. of dress pants, size 12 $40 ; (30) tops and sweaters, size XL-XXL $40 ; (35) tops and sweaters, size XL $40 ; (5) matching scrubs, tops and bottoms, plus (3) tops ONLY, size sm. $10 – 979-251-0814
For Sale: German Sheppard mix pups, first shots, dewormed, 6 wks. old $25 ea. – 979-451-1241
LOST: Xolo dog, hairless breed, 2 yrs. old, female, smaller, last seen wearing light blue harness and bright blue leash, around New Years Creek Ln. (near Hwy. 105), NO collar or tags, answers to Chula $1000 REWARD – 979-251-0094
For Sale: Kenmore upright freezer, med. size $125 – 979-451-0480
For Sale: Ford engines – ’65 289 w/ transmission and ’71 302 w/ transmission, both running $300 ea. – 979-277-4147
Wanted: gas tank for Ford 4-cyl. tractor – 979-525-1839
Wanted: lg. quantities of antler sheds – 281-733-5585
For Sale: power wheelchair, new battery and charger, like new, 300 lb. capacity, rear wheel drive $600 – 936-581-0995 call or text
For Sale: set of Weather Guard wheel well toolboxes, -- 979-270-0802
For Sale: (2) lg. tractor tires, 19.5x24 ; (3) truck batteries, still good ; Craftsman riding mower – 979-277-8420
For Sale: Raleigh Venture ladies bicycle, used a few tires, has custom basket, baby blue $225 ; Meridian 3-wheel bicycle, blue, good tires, may need brake work $125 – 979-966-2163
For Sale: Massey-Ferguson 5’ disc harrow, like new ; Ferguson 30 tractor ; Farm-All M tractor – 979-451-9350
Wanted: someone that pulls septic systems – 979-200-8912
Wanted: sm. pet carrier, needs handle, need today – 979-836-6702 LM
Wanted: front and rear windshield for Polaris Ranger 500 side x side ; side x side or 4-wheelers ; For Sale: various guns, reduced prices ; loofas – 979-277-2343
For Sale: 460e transmission from ’99 Chevy Silverado 4WD – 979-693-2883
Wanted: live turtle trap ; For Sale: 5.5x6 round bales of Coastal hay, has some goat weeds $45/roll – 979-324-6837
For Sale: 10’ aluminum John boat, NOT licensed, good cond. $150 ; Rhino Brush Hog 6’ shredder, heavy duty, good cond. $1000 – 936-878-2774
For Sale: yard eggs ; 16’ low boy trailer ; Wanted: (4) 4-wheeler tires – 979-551-1826
For Sale: International 484 tractor, needs some work, has Case International front end loader ; Bush Hog 6’ shredder, 3-pt., needs tires – 979-220-0415