The Brenham School Board will be holding a pair of meetings on Monday night.

Prior to their regular meeting, the Board is going to hold a public hearing to discuss and hear public comments on the 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Report.

After the public hearing, they will then go into the regular meeting.

Items on the consent agenda include: a board resolution for inclement weather days, designating ten non-business days to be utilized for Open Records requests, out of state trips for the Marine Corp Junior ROTC for national competitions, and a joint election agreement and election services contract for the May 3 election.

Action Agenda items include receiving a legislative update, and to consider and possibly approve the District’s legislative priorities.

They will also consider possible approval of the 2025-2026 district instructional calendar.

The School Board is then scheduled to go into executive session to discuss the contract/compensation/benefits of Superintendent Clay Gillentine, the Board’s self-evaluation, and the possible approval of contracts for the executive staff.

The Brenham School Board meets Monday at 6pm in Rooms 111 and 113 of the Brenham High School.   

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One Comment

  1. “The School Board is then scheduled to go into executive session to discuss the contract/compensation/benefits of Superintendent Clay Gillentine, the Board’s self-evaluation, and the possible approval of contracts for the executive staff.”

    If a raise is given to Mr. Gillentine after so little is done for the teachers, it will be a total slap in the face to the teachers. I hope Mr. Gillentine and the board are aware of how the optics of this will play out. Secondly, the district has already faced budget deficits and other financial issues, this is not the time for a raise in pay. He is already compensated at a huge amount compared to the teachers and other classroom personnel in the district! They need to do the right thing and keep this already highly compensated individual at his current rate of pay! Just my humble opinion!

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