Monday 03-21-2025

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For Sale: ’09 Mohawk Brave 5’ shredder, rotary cutter, deck in great cond. $950 – 713-906-9397

For Sale: (2) AKC Yorkie pups, male and female, 11 wks. old – 979-277-4252 call or text

For Sale: ’15 Sun Tracker Bass Buggy pontoon boat, BB18NX, has Mercury 4-stroke 60HP motor, trailer w/ guide ons, new tires in 2023, Minnkota trolling motor w/ I-pilot, Hummingbird depth/fish finder, Splasher prop, always kept under roof, it’s like a party boat w/ (2) live wells and rod holders $17,000 – 979-251-2124

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 9a-2p 300 Church St. (Unity Theater) ; costumes, household goods, props, and more, everything priced to sell

Yard Sale: Fri. and Sat. 8a-5p 1207 Washington St. ; lots of misc. glassware, vintage items, Tupperware, Singer and Serger sewing machines, cake decorating items, and much more

For Sale: hutch cabinet, redone, 7’x23”x53”, antique distressed look, very heavy duty and sturdy, polyurethane wood top, white $500 ; (4) Toyo 20” tires, fair cond. $100/all ; can send pics – 979-451-3424 call or text

Garage Sale: Sat. 8a-4p 802 Spencer St. ; dining table, buffet, antique couch, men’s/women’s/kids/plus size clothing, household goods, decorations, and more, all priced to sell

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 5151 Hwy. 290 W. ; antiques, fishing poles, kitchen items, Pyrex, Tupperware, good clothing, work boots, baby items, toys, and glassware

For Sale: pecan picker, tractor hook-up $4000 ; 6’ shredder $750 ; 6’ disc, 18” blades $1000 – 979-251-2671

LOST: Red Poll bull, has brand (C Rocking M) on right hip, last off Hwy. 36 N. near Gay Hill fire station ; Wanted: grazing lease for cattle, (15-100) acres, within 50 mi. radius of Brenham – 979-830-3460

For Sale: antique Alice-Chalmer tractor, shop kept, maintained to running cond., all original parts and implements, in Brenham area, can send pics – 979-451-9337 call or text

Garage Sale: Sat. 9a-1p 503 Spinn (Atlow Addition) ; clothing for all (lots will be buy 1 get 2 free), molasses tubs, some plants, (2) weed eaters, belt sander, Ryobi drill, lg. filing cabinet, air chisel set, lighted curio cabinet


For Sale: Toro self-propelled mower, has grass catcher $100 – 979-347-2647

For Sale: porch, built for mobile home, would also work for above ground pool, 12x34’ w/ 22’ covered portion, treated lumber, sturdy built, in Bellville, can send pics, taking best offer – 281-808-1118

For Sale: Jack Russell Terrier pup, pure bred – 713-880-1220

Wanted: someone to work on ’04 Ford Expedition, 4.6L, needs timing chain ; For Sale: ’98 Ford F-150, 4.6L $2000 – 832-232-1520

Garage Sale: Fri. and Sat. 7a-4p 7453 Apperson Rd. ; men’s and women’s clothing, Christmas items, household items, baby stuff

Tent Sale: Fri. and Sat. 9a-5p 1406 S. Market St. (back parking lot) ; antiques, housewares, lamps, pictures, and more, a little of everything

Wanted: junk cars and trucks, any cond., will pay CASH ; 200 amp meter loop, possible w/ wire ; For Sale: headgate $300 OBO ; Lincoln welder, older stick welder ; firewood rack $75 – 979-251-4585 anytime

Wanted: someone to adjust and repair residential sprinkler system – 979-451-9202

For Sale: (4) Hereford pigs, born 12/24, about 60 lbs. ea., (3) male and (1) female – 979-451-9458

For Sale: (1-2) cords of Oak firewood ; Lantana, Crepe Myrtles, shrubs, sm. trees ; Persian rugs, (1) black and (1) maroon ; ’05 Chevy Impala parts ; Redman irrigation pump, has hoses and attachments, on wheels ; Coleman cooler, handle and wheels ; luggage, wheels and handles, turquoise color ; stainless steel kitchen sink, like new $75 ; box of copper tubing ; Wanted: factory cruise control box w/ cables for ’05 Chevy Impala – 832-567-0454 LM, NO TEXTS

For FREE: leaves, for composting, YOU MUST PICK UP – 979-203-1808

For Sale: ½ pallet of cement, make offer ; weed eaters $10 ea. – 979-530-3380

Wanted: washing machine, reasonable price – 979-487-7192

For Sale: (10) boxes wood flooring, enough for 10x12 room $100/all – 979-203-5326

For Sale: 351 modified 400 Ford motor w/ C6 transmission $200 – 979-277-4147

For Sale: 4x5 round bales of native grass hay, net wrapped – 979-830-5706

Wanted: will take any birds you no longer want or can take care of ; pr. of Lovebirds or Finches ; hens, NO roosters ; For FREE: China cabinet – 979-836-7775

For Sale: (2) Bad Boy ZTR mowers, 72” cut, Cat diesel engine, 35HP – running $5500 and for parts, good engine $2900 ; ’22 Bobcat P66 skid steer, a/c and heat, 1200 hrs., good cond. $32,000 – 979-451-0890

Wanted: (10-20) laying hens ; Nissan or Toyota sm. truck – 979-551-1826

Wanted: branding irons ; old windvane/weathervane ; For Sale: lots of cast iron cookware, various styles – 281-733-5585

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