The Burton Bridge Ministry has started a new transportation service for local residents in need.

Supporters of Burton Bridge Ministry's new
transportation ministry gathered in December to
bless the organization's new bus. Pictured are (from
left): volunteers Harry Van Woert and Maritza Bailon,
furniture manager Karla Bailon, volunteer Erik
Lopez, Pastor Cindy Robles, volunteer Betty Clark,
and Board of Directors President Barbara Donnelly.
(courtesy Burton Bridge Ministry)

The organization was recently gifted with a gently used bus by the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod.  With the bus, the ministry is able to transport clients for rides to H-E-B, Norman’s Pharmacy and Walmart in Brenham, and to Dollar General and the ministry’s food pantry in Burton.

The bus donation was facilitated by Pastor Cindy Robles, the outgoing pastor of Greenvine Emmanuel Lutheran Church.  The ministry has also received additional financial gifts from the church and local individuals to help offset the cost of replacing the air conditioning system, replacing the tires, fixing the back window and adding vinyl lettering to the sides and back.

A transportation hotline has been set up at 979-530-5626 so that clients can book rides and bus drivers can be scheduled.  All riders will need to sign a waiver.  The ministry says routes will initially be limited as the program develops.

The ministry still recommends contacting the Brazos Transit District for anyone needing to get to a doctor’s appointment. 

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One Comment

  1. A much needed service. I LOVE this. Thank you, Bridge Ministry for this wonderful addition to our community, and for Cindy Robles’ kindness in expediting the service.

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