Monday 03-21-2025
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For Sale: ’09 Mohawk Brave 5’ shredder, rotary cutter, deck in great cond. $950 – 713-906-9397
For Sale: (2) AKC Yorkie pups, male and female, 11 wks. old – 979-277-4252 call or text
For Sale: ’15 Sun Tracker Bass Buggy pontoon boat, BB18NX, has Mercury 4-stroke 60HP motor, trailer w/ guide ons, new tires in 2023, Minnkota trolling motor w/ I-pilot, Hummingbird depth/fish finder, Splasher prop, always kept under roof, it’s like a party boat w/ (2) live wells and rod holders $17,000 – 979-251-2124
For Sale: pecan picker, tractor hook-up $4000 ; 6’ shredder $750 ; 6’ disc, 18” blades $1000 – 979-251-2671
LOST: Red Poll bull, has brand (C Rocking M) on right hip, last off Hwy. 36 N. near Gay Hill fire station ; Wanted: grazing lease for cattle, (15-100) acres, within 50 mi. radius of Brenham – 979-830-3460
For Sale: antique Alice-Chalmer tractor, shop kept, maintained to running cond., all original parts and implements, in Brenham area, can send pics – 979-451-9337 call or text
Wanted: old stereo equipment from the 1970’s-80’s, brands incl. (Pioneer, Marantz, Sony, Kenwood, Sansui, Onkyo, and Yamaha), receivers, amps, turntables, cassette decks, speakers, or entire rack systems – 979-337-2470
For Sale: cast iron/porcelain double sink, good cond. ; various cast iron cookware – 281-733-5585
For Sale: 55HP Chrysler outboard motor, Alternator model ; (2) LT29570R18 mud/snow truck tires ; (4) LT28570R17 mud/snow truck tires ; can send pics – 979-885-9198
For Sale: Armalite AR-15 rifle ; Anderson AR-15 rifle, has carrying case, (3) extra magazines, like new – 979-966-9399
For Sale: Lionel electric train set, 1955 or possibly older, has (6) cars $575 – 281-903-6109
For FREE: leaves, bagged, ready for compost – 979-203-1808
For Sale: Case tractor, 75HP ; Cat mini excavator[KK1] , 45HP – 979-251-4686
For Sale: ‘07 Ford F-150, cab and a half, good cond., new parts $4200 neg. ; 16’ trailer, pipe top, 3500 lb. axles, 10-ply tires, good floor $1900 – 713-319-8769 (Caldwell)
For Sale: 4x5 round bales of Johnson hay, fertilized – 979-251-4495 after 10a
For Sale: ’94 Ford Ranger, good cond. – 979-277-4033
For FREE: firewood, standing Spanish Oak, dead, will be on ground, YOU cut up and haul off – 979-251-6235
For Sale: 500 gal. fiberglass hydromechanical grease interceptor, has traffic rated cast iron lid $1800, brand new, never used – 979-203-4834
For Sale: ’02 Massey-Ferguson 271 tractor, front end loader, some implements $15,000 ; Massey-Ferguson 235, NO front end loader $4500 ; both start, run, work good – 979-277-8353
For Sale: Toro self-propelled mower, has grass catcher $100 – 979-347-2647
For Sale: Saw Stop cabinet saw, professional grade $400 – 979-733-4262
For Sale: ’21 Skagg ZTR mower, commercial, 61”, low hrs., fuel injected $8200 – 979-277-8538
Wanted: someone to repair and adjust residential sprinkler system – 979-451-9202
Wanted: will take any birds you longer want or can take care of ; chickens, NO roosters ; pr. of Finches and/or Lovebirds – 979-836-7775
Wanted: (4) 15” trailer tires ; (4) 4-wheeler tires ; For Sale: yard eggs – 979-551-1826
For Sale: stainless steel outdoor grill, insert for outdoor kitchen, brand new $600 OBO – 979-966-2163 La Grange
Wanted: rabbits ; pigeons ; chickens – 979-451-5601
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