Tuesday 03-25-2025
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For Sale: (2) AKC Yorkie pups, male and female, 11 wks. old – 979-277-4252 call or text
For Sale: ’15 Sun Tracker Bass Buggy pontoon boat, BB18NX, has Mercury 4-stroke 60HP motor, trailer w/ guide ons, new tires in 2023, Minnkota trolling motor w/ I-pilot, Hummingbird depth/fish finder, Splasher prop, always kept under roof, it’s like a party boat w/ (2) live wells and rod holders $17,000 – 979-251-2124
For Sale: pecan picker, tractor hook-up $4000 ; 6’ shredder $750 ; 6’ disc, 18” blades $1000 – 979-251-2671
For Sale: antique Alice-Chalmer tractor, shop kept, maintained to running cond., all original parts and implements, in Brenham area, can send pics – 979-451-9337 call or text
Wanted: farm tractors and equipment running or not, WILL PAY CASH – 936-870-5148
For Sale: Gooseneck 5-bale hay trailer, individual dump w/ spare, ready to work, all new tires $5500 OBO ; ’06 Blue Wave 220 Deluxe boat, 22’2”, has ’04 Yamaha 150HP and Minnkota trolling motor, stainless steel trailer, shop kept $22,750 OBO – 979-716-2385
For Sale: set of tires and rims, from Toyota Carolla, good cond., 20550R16 $375/all ; ZTR mower, 42” cut, good cond. $1375 – 832-407-3539
For Sale: antique fishing items ; antique wood boxes for survey instrument storage ; heavy duty set of horseshoes for pitching ; Wanted: full set of wrought patio furniture (table, chairs, couch, etc.) -- 281-733-5585
For Sale: 5’ shredder, deck needs work, needs tire $400 OBO ; radiator for ’14 Chevy Malibu, in the box, brand new -- 979-277-2343
For FREE: stack of concrete blocks, 18x16 ; For Sale: dehumidifier, like new $100 – 832-318-9136
For Sale: 26’ boat, needs some TLC, has aluminum trailer $8000 ; ’11 Infinity, lots of highway miles, runs good, has power steering fluid leak $4000 ; (3) Badboy ZTR mowers, 72” cut, Cat diesel engines, (2) run and cut, and (1) is for parts $11,000 or will sell separate ; Wanted: house or property in Washington Co. or Somerville area, around $100,000 – 979-451-0890
For Sale: women’s tops, 2X-3X and jeans size 18-26 ; blue recliner, smaller, wing back ; antique plow ; several afghans ; other misc. items – 979-451-0253
For Sale: Jack Russel Terrier, 8 wks., full blooded – 713-880-1220
For Sale: 5.7L Hemi motor ; 460 motor – 979-274-9422
For Sale: (2) full size bedroom sets, wood – 979-830-3685
For Sale: 2040 John Deere tractor, has front end loader $4000 ; 20’ Express bay boat, 115HP Yamaha $16,500 – 979-733-4262
Wanted: ’03-’05 Hemi motor – 832-915-9594
For Sale: (10) boxes of flooring, will cover 10x12 room $100 – 979-203-5326
For FREE: Kenmore side x side refrigerator, NOT working, MUST pick up – 832-287-5967
For Sale: (2) propane tanks, 250 gal. $750 and 150 gal. $350, both have agitators, ready to go – 979-716-0377
Wanted: pasture to lease to run cattle, in Brenham or Chappell Hill area, must have good fence – 936-510-5724
Wanted: acoustic 6-sting guitar, good cond. – 979-242-3590
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