Final approval for a new subdivision on Pleasant Hill School Road will be discussed by the Washington County Commissioners when they meet Tuesday morning.
The Farm Houses of Pleasant Hill is a 10 lot subdivision planned along Pleasant Hill School Road which had previously received conditional approval. After all corrections and deficiencies have been brought into compliance, the subdivision is expected to receive approval of the final plat.
Also on the agenda for Tuesday’s County Commissioners Court meeting is a subdivision variance request for a land division fronting Lange Lake Road, and a re-plat of lot 4 in the Randermann Subdivision fronting Happy Hollow Road. Commissioners will also discuss requests from AMP Texas Pipelines for natural gas pipeline road bores on Glenblythe Road and Old Gay Hill Road, both in Precinct 3.
The Washington County EMS is requesting approval for the purchase through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of a new ambulance module onto an F450 chassis. And the Commissioners will proclaim October 25th as “Go Purple for Domestic Violence Awareness Month” in Washington County. The meeting is set for 9 a.m. Tuesday in the courthouse in Brenham.
The county commission and county judge continues to half hazardously approve subdivisions on county roads without obtaining additional road frontage at the platted lots for future county road widening improvements. This also happened recently on Wonder Hill Road. When the increase of traffic and narrow road was brought to the County Commissioner, she never replied. Bottom line: I expect more out of my tax dollars and the elected officials than this!