Douglas Borchardt (Photo courtesy of Blinn College)

There will be at least one open seat on the Blinn College Board of Trustees for the May 2023 election.

At the conclusion of this (Tuesday) morning’s meeting, Douglas Borchardt, who represents Precinct Two on the Board, announced that he will not be seeking re-election.

Borchardt was first sworn in on May 18, 2010 after winning an election that year, and then was elected to a second term after running unopposed.

Once elected, Blinn Trustees serve six-year terms on the Board.

Borchardt said that when he first took office, Blinn was going through a difficult period, and that he felt compelled to run.

However, now he feels the college is going in the right direction, and is in a much better position.

Blinn College Board President Jim Kolkhorst thanked Borchardt for his years of service, and that he hopes whoever gets passed the torch will take a similar approach.

Chancellor Dr. Mary Hensley echoed Kolkhorst’s sentiments saying that she believed Borchardt will go down as one of the best trustees in Blinn history.

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One Comment

  1. What an honor and privilege Washington County has had with the guidance, wisdom and service from Douglas Borchardt.
    Blinn College is truly in a better place because of him.

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