The Blinn College livestock judging team placed third this week at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR), concluding a successful season highlighted by top-five finishes at the most competitive shows of the judging season.

The Blinn College livestock judging team placed
third this year at the Houston Livestock Show and
Rodeo contest. Pictured are (front, from left) Cash
Dean, Lane Hogan, Grant Kubala, Maggie Brumnett,
Owen Seidenberger, and Maddox Hartmann; and
(back, from left) coach Adrian Austin, Jakob Sansom,
Mason Wurzbach, Lane Higbie, Grayson Oliver, Cayl
Doise, Shelby Cones, Benjamen Isaacks, Riley Huser,
Cole Monroe, Landon Kelley, and coach Quest
(courtesy Blinn College)

Blinn won the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, and the Dixie National Collegiate Beef Judging contests before placing third at Houston, the last contest of the season. Twenty-seven teams competed in Houston.

Blinn finished fifth overall in rankings by for the 2024-25 season with 1.382 points. Blinn has consistently placed in the top five for more than a decade.

At Houston, Blinn was first in reasons, second in Brahmans and sheep/goats, fifth in swine and placings, sixth in goats, and seventh in cattle.

Maggie Brumnett, a sophomore from Wagoner, Okla., was third high individual. Brumnett placed second in sheep/goats, third in placings, fourth in goats, 14th in reasons, and 22nd in cattle.

Maddox Hartmann was 17th overall, including fifth in reasons and eighth in swine. Lane Hogan placed seventh in reasons, eighth in Brahmans, and 20th in swine; Cash Dean was 11th in goats and 14th in swine;  and Owen Seidenberger was 15th in reasons.

In the alternate division, Benjamen Isaacks was second overall individual, Cayle Doise was third, and Shelby Cones placed 14th.

Blinn alumni also had success at the Houston contest. Kinsey Gardner, now at Texas Tech University, was the high individual in the senior division. Gardner was named to the 2024 All-America livestock judging team while at Blinn.

Blinn alumnus Dax DeLozier, now at Oklahoma State University, was second high individual and Blane Warnken, now of Texas A&M University, was 10th.

Livestock judging is part of Blinn’s Agricultural Sciences Program, which has one of the most active extracurricular programs in the state, including the Agriculture Club, wildlife, agriculture mechanics, and horticulture.

Blinn offers agriculture classes on all its campuses, with the W.J. “Bill” Rankin Agricultural Complex on the Brenham Campus serving as the program’s headquarters. For more information, visit

(Story courtesy Blinn Information)

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