A large marijuana growing operation was shut down and destroyed today (Friday) by the Austin County Sheriff’s Office.  The site was located on Brazos River Authority land off of FM 1458 near Allen’s Creek.

The field of marijuana was originally spotted by a Houston National Guard Counter Drug Program helicopter on Wednesday.  They notified Austin County Sheriff Jack Brandes and on Thursday morning, deputies overflew the field.  Officers with the Austin County Special Response Team then entered the site and found no one tending the marijuana plants.  They did find a tent, food, clothing, an electric generator and a watering system.

This (Friday) morning. Deputies along with Austin County Road and Bridge employees removed and destroyed over 8600 marijuana plants.

Counter Drug Helicopter
Houston National Guard Counter Drug Program helicopter
Grow Destruction
Diesel is poured on the marijuana plants before burning.
Grow Aerial View
Aerial view of the marijuana growing site.
Grow Site tent
Tent an supplies found on the site.

Grow Destruction2 Grow Destruction3 Grow Ground View Grow Destruction4 Grow Site

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  1. I’m all for legalization and recreational use of marijuana, alcohol is legal and it is one of the most deadliest drugs out there

  2. Currently 23 states and D.C. have legalized the use of medical marijuana. That doesn’t sound to me that its harming people.

    1. Medical is ok! We are talking about pot heads who use it for so called fun! I don’t think God would encourage any drug for that reason! In fact I know God says not to be influenced by drugs but by His Holy Word!

  3. if it was legalized the state could have made so much money from this instead of wasting the time and money on investigating and using helicopters

    1. Why would u want to legalize that harmful drug? It destroys families! Leads to other drugs! Not good for anyone! Nobody wins with that drug!

      1. Christian, please stop perpetuating misinformation that has been debunked for decades. You can thank major corporations for the stamp act, which made it illegal.

      2. How can you say nobody wins? Have you even seen the extraordinarily benefits of this plant? Its saving lifes and managing pain for terminally I’ll patients and making the quality of life extremely better. Use your head. Also how is this drug harmful?

        1. I personally know of someone who was getting chemo in Houston and they finally stopped because it was doing NOTHING. She moved to Colorado and through an oncologist there was put on a certain prescription marijuana and her tumor is shrinking.

          1. Again medical is fine to legalize it! But the problem is recreational for those who just want to do it! That is wrong! We don’t need people doing that influencing people for just so called fun!

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