The Brenham School District Central Office will be getting some much needed improvements this summer.  At their meeting last night (Tuesday) the Brenham School board approved $40,000 in flooring and painting for the Central Office located on Mansfield Street.  The carpet in the district’s offices has been in poor condition for several years.  Because the linoleum tile under the carpet has asbestos in its adhesive, replacing the carpet also involves asbestos abatement.  Beginning May 25th, the front office staff will relocate to offices in the old Alton Elementary School.  Removing the old carpet and tile and installing the new carpet is expected to be completed by early July.  Assistant Superintendent Paul Aschenbeck said that only the front half of the building will be done this summer.  The rear half will be done next summer.  This is the first major upgrade to the Central Office building in over 10 years.

The school board also approved replacing the lighting in the competition and practice gyms at the High School.  The new LED lights will cost $38,000 but will save the district about $4000 per year in electricity cost.  Another benefit of the LED lights is that they do not require any warmup.

The school board honored the three elementary school’s PTO’s with the “You Make a Difference” award last night for their contributions to education.  The board also took time to recognize the High School Basketball team, the Computer Science team, and the High School students who traveled to Europe during Spring Break.

The board also voted to renew several contracts for custodial services, insurance, computer software, and internet service as part of the consent agenda.

Elementary school PTOs
Alton, Krause, and Brenham Elementary School PTO members receive the "You Make a Difference" award from the Brenham School Board Tuesday.
Cub Basketball team
Members of the Cub Basketball team greet the school board Tuesday.


Computer Science team
Brenham High School Computer Science Instructor Trenton Hall (center) with members of the Computer Science team (L to R) Jacqui Deans, Zeb McCorkle, and Zach Taylor.
Europe students
Brenham High School History Teacher Donna Fielding with 3 of the 16 students who traveled to Europe during Spring Break (L to R) Luke Henkhaus, Desiree Wise, and Whitney Blalock.


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