This past weekend, I celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends as I’ve done in the past.  But this year, spending time with those I love was a lot more special for me.  Three months ago, a cancerous tumor was discovered on my left kidney.  My primary physician, Dr. Robert Haydon, put me in touch with one of Brenham’s newest young doctors, urologist Dr. Ryan Frieben.  In my wife and my first meeting with Dr. Frieben, he calmly yet thoroughly explained my options for treatment, including surgery.  While he had trained at M.D. Anderson in Houston, he said that one of the reasons he came to Brenham was to perform surgeries like the one I needed.  But Dr. Frieben also told us that if we weren’t comfortable with him, or with having the surgery done in Brenham, he would have us in his mentor’s office at M.D. Anderson the following week.  While my wife and I felt comfortable with Dr. Frieben’s expertise, almost everyone we talked to said “go to M.D. Anderson”.  We had both had prior surgeries performed at Scott & White Brenham….but as one friend said, “this is your life”!   After weighing the pros and cons, I decided to have the surgery here in Brenham.  I trusted Dr. Frieben, and I wanted my wife and daughter to have the convenience of visiting me at our local hospital…and not having to drive to Houston.


My surgery was done almost eight weeks ago.  Dr. Frieben removed the cancerous tumor, and I still have both of my kidneys.  Some wonderful nurses….especially Natalie and Linda….took excellent care of me during my six days at Scott & White – Brenham.  If I had to do it all over again, I would choose Dr. Frieben and my local hospital.  Brenham and Washington County are lucky to have many bright, young doctors moving here….not because they can’t make it in the big cities…but because they want to practice medicine and raise their families in Brenham.  But I’m worried that not enough patients are making the choice to have their surgery and treatment locally.  They’re going to Houston, Bryan, College Station or Temple.  If we don’t take advantage of the knowledge and expertise in our own backyard, someday we may find ourselves without that local option.  From my family’s personal experience, visiting a loved one at your local hospital is a definite plus!


And that’s the way it looks to this Spectator.

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  1. I am so happy to hear of your remarkable results.
    I agree the doctors in Brenham are quite good, however, I recently had a stroke and while Washington County EMS and Scott & White Hospital saved my life with immediate response, S&W transported me to St. Joseph in Bryan for treatment and care and from there, I was moved to St Joseph in Navasota for therapy. Again, I received excellent care.
    I do wish I could have had treatment here. I find it ridiculous that St. Joseph and S&W and/or their doctors do not communicate. It’s like children choosing sides. I had to fill my doctor in on everything after leaving S&W. That’s uncalled for.
    Again, I am so happy for your treatment and recovery.

  2. I could not agree more. I have spent most of my life in big cities, but there is no question that the care and attention, not to mention skill and expertise, is right here in Brenham. Dr. Susan Miller has been my primary care physician for more than 18 years, and she has always referred me to the best, right here in our town.

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