Gov. Rick Perry declined an offer to meet with President Obama when he comes to the Texas State Capitol in Austin Wednesday.

Instead, the outgoing Republican governor said he would like to have a ‘substantial meeting’ with the President on the immigration crisis.

That’s something the President has agreed to.  The President and the Governor will meet in Dallas Wednesday.

The governor sent a letter to the White House Monday, turning down an invitation for what he called a ‘quick handshake on the tarmac.’


Gov. Perry did say however, that he would be willing to rearrange his schedule to discuss ‘the humanitarian and national security crisis along the Texas/Mexico border.’


President Obama will be in Dallas, then Austin Wednesday and Thursday, raising money for Democrats and their causes and speaking about the economy.


Gov. Perry had previously invited the President to the border while sharply criticizing the Administration amid a surge of unaccompanied children and their families, mostly from Central America coming across the Texas border.


Congressman Henry Cuellar of Laredo said he hoped this situation does not become ‘the Katrina Moment for President Obama.’

Cuellar repeated calls for President Obama to come to the border.  A spokesman for the White House has noted that the President has been to the border and he has received detailed reports on the crisis.


What’s your Reaction?


  1. Good for Perry! Obama just wants to raise money for the dems. That is all he cares about on this trip.

  2. Please stay away from Texas Obama! You have messed up America enough. All you gonna do is raise money for abortions and gay marriage rights. You need to read the Bible and then you will know Truth!! God calls abortion murder and marriage is a man and a woman!

  3. It is about time for Obama to take this seriously. Although he probably is more interested in raising money for democrats to further his agenda. You can bet that he will raise money for abortion and gay marriage. I wish he would stay away from Texas!

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