Hundreds of 4th graders participated in Ag Day at the Washington County Fairgrounds on Wednesday.
Washington County Farm Bureau and the Texas AgriLife Extension Service hosted over 400 students during the day.
“It is our pleasure to continue this annual Ag event, everyone learns something” said Larry Winkelmann, President of Washington County Farm Bureau.
Students were able to visit 17 different stations, representing agriculture in the county. Stations were manned by local residents, farmers, ranchers and experts in their respective fields. The 4-H & FFA students lead the classes to the stations located across the fairgrounds.
Stations included: brigades, wildlife, general nature, health and nutrition, veterinarian, beekeeping, dairy, swine, rabbits, beef, soil, poultry, 4-H, blacksmith, equine, farm equipment, and corn.
The Washington County Cattle Women prepared the beef hot dog lunch with Blue Bell Ice Cream.