The 14th annual Future Cub Sign up is kicking off.

Boys and Girls ages 4-12 can sign up for a Varsity Football Player to walk out with on Friday nights and wear their number for the season on a custom t-shirt.

$20 covers the t-shirt and a portion of a scholarship donation of $1000 for two Senior Football player's fall college tuition.  Come support our 2017 cubs and be a part of the winning legacy for years to come!!

Sign up times are:
Monday, August 7th,   Nathan's BBQ 5-6:30
Wednesdy, August 9th, BMS Open House
Thursday, August 10th, Krause, Alton and Brenham Elementary Open Houses from 5-7
Friday, August 25th, Cub Stadium MEET THE CUBS NIGHT and Varsity Scrimmage,


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  1. Yeah I’m going to the BMS open house tonight where registration is set up, and I am going to ask that same question. Because I have noticed that as well.

  2. I was hoping my one year old could be apart of this tradition. I guess we will have to wait 3 years from now. We know an current player, and was wanting him to carry him out onto the field.

    1. I was wanting my 2 year old to participate as well. In the past, I have seen children under the age of 4 being held by players. So why is this year any different? Is it a coaches child? If so, that is not fair. I would still sign your child up. I can’t imagine anyone telling a child no.

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