A federal judge has temporarily blocked most of Texas' tough new "sanctuary cities" law allowing police to inquire about people's immigration status during routine interactions such as traffic stops.

Opponents call the measure, which sailed through the state Legislature, a "show your papers" law. They sued, and the ruling by U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia in San Antonio keeps it from taking effect Friday, allowing the case time to proceed.

Conservatives say the crackdown on illegal immigration enforces the rule of law.

Under the law, Texas could fine police and counties that don't honor federal requests to hold people jailed on non-immigration offenses longer for possible deportation. It also ensures that police chiefs and sheriffs could face removal from office and criminal charges for not complying with federal "detainer" requests.


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  1. Immigration to this or any other country is a privilege, not a right, extended by the host country and its citizens and legal residents.

    The citizens and legal residents of this or any other country have a right to know who enters and for what reason.

    If you advocate open borders, do you also leave your front door open to anyone to enter unvetted and uninvited? Yeah, I thought so.

    1. Very well said. Not to mention the monitary burden that is put on the legal citizens that pay their share of taxes. The present day security issues and the monitary burden is why our government must take every step to stop and block. And when that fails, our government must capture, interigate and then incarserate or return. Lock’m up or Ship’m back.

  2. I don’t remember anywhere in the Bible mentioning what behavior Jesus detested?. He loved and forgave everyone, end of story. This country belongs to the people not one religious group.

  3. We are a nation of laws. And if Jesus had over population problems or any of the ones now days he would just wave his hand to fix it.

    1. Likely very few. You have totally thrown in something that is not applicable today. I doubt that Jesus would break our laws concerning entry into the country.

    2. That’s an impossible question to answer. To attempt to answer for Him would be arrogant I think. A better question might be, what behavior does Jesus detest? And if this were a Christian Dominion, what would be the immigration policy? What’s Heaven’s, would you say that a Muslim or atheist are allowed citizenship when they die?

      I would love to live in His Kingdom (country) as all in it would be under His authority and rule. All manner of detestable behavior we see that is commonplace in our country would no longer exist (it would not be a very inclusive society by US standards). With a large percentage of anti-Christian people in our country now, this is not His country unfortunately.

      So since this is not a Christian theocracy and the law works against the free exercise of Christianity in many cases today, we have no choice but to carefully manage our immigration so that assimilation is accomplished.

      1. I’m white of European descent, 5th generation born-in-the-USA, 4th generation combat veteran of the US Army, and a 5th generation native Texan non-Christian with no criminal record. You are correct, this country is NOT a Christian theocracy. What is this “assimilation” of which you speak?

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