A major controversy has come to light involving the Burton School Board.

The Burton School Board

KWHI has learned from several sources, who have asked to remain anonymous, that a member of the board is heard on a phone message recording, referring to Burton School Board President Demitrius Colvin by an offensive racial slur.

Colvin confirmed that the tape exists and that he is referred to by the board member with the use of the “N” word.

Colvin tells KWHI that he and the other board members asked for the offending member to resign, but he has not to this point.

Colvin says he is “…very disappointed and expected better.”

Colvin adds that the board member, “cannot be trusted to make a sound decision.  This cuts everyone in this small, close community very deep.  It’s in the best interest of this community that he resign.  You can’t have a personal agenda on this board.  You must do what’s right for the kids.”

KWHI is attempting to contact Burton ISD Superintendent Dr. Edna Kennedy for an official comment from her office in regards to this situation.

The Burton School Board meets Monday evening.

On the agenda is the Executive Session item: “Consider Resolution of Centure for Trustee Felton Cox.”

That item then appears again in Public Session.

The Burton School Board meets Monday night at 5:30 at the Administrative Office at 701 North Railroad Street.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. I have known Mr Colvin my whole life. I refer to as Uncle D as well as my kids i am white not that that matters. He has given his time for all kids. No matter the their color. As an adult Ipersonally know how he has helped kids graduate and not drop out of school. One was a white student that wasn’t going to graduate. The parent not know who to talk to because she was not from Burton. He went to bat to help this child graduate and go to college. To give you one instance. When i saw this article it upset me this good man gives his time ro help kids and you have someone that didn’t just help his kids but all kids. I applaud u Mr Colvin and keep up the good work these kids need you

  2. I think there are more comments on the articles than there are students enrolled in this school. Time to just shut it down and send all of them to Brenham or RTC. Save all the hoopla over million dollar bonds for new schools every time we turn around. For a school with such a low enrollment there seems to be more disagreement than agreement on most everything. It would be interesting to see what SBOE would actually recommend if they are asked to get involved like some want them to.

    1. Actually enrollment has increased. As a previous article said, they had to hire an ADDITIONAL Pre-K teacher due to the number registered.

      There’s no plans to have a new school. The elementary was recently (and necessarily) built, and the HS underwent some renovation.

      Moving them to RTC does nothing and Brenham increases costs you’ll pay in school taxes (and yes they won’t stay at $1.125 per $100 if Brenham acquires the students once you add gas, bus and other expenses).

      Honestly – I’m wondering if this is all an attempt for folks to shutter the school for some reason. This goes especially true when people are more forgiving to someone giving an alleged racist remark (which has fired countless people) but are demanding to hang someone by their thumbs for things not even 100% verified either.

  3. I stand behind our board president and our AD! Both are good men! There’s no place for this kind of behavior!
    Do the school one last favor and resign!

    1. This ain’t tuna, but
      the whole thing seems fishy to me.
      This can of worms just keeps getting worse.
      Shut the doors.
      Start over.

      1. Sorry Charlie, but this is a FACT.

        Again, this issue was on the agenda the same day as the accusations toward a particular department and person.

        It was NOT done to scapegoat that issue. The fact people ignore this point is worrying to me… as though they have the agenda.

        Add to it the comments to shut the school down … that’s disconcerning.

  4. I get amazed how some people completely loss their head over an offensive word just because it was said by a person who is not of color, yet if you listen to the music and the way many people of color speak to each other, they use that word all the time. Go get gas at Walmart and listen to the rap music coming loudly from the cars where that word along with the “F” word and many other words are used all the time. The political spectrum is filled by so many people who are allowed to be offensive as long as you agree with them, but disagree and you find yourself the victim of a full frontal character assassination by others. This man should not have said what he did but an apology is enough, sounds like Burton has enough issues without adding this type of stuff to them. Sounds to me like the Burton community completely lacks the ability to have and manage a small school system, maybe they really should consider closing it.

  5. I am shocked to hear this news and how so many who post under “other names” are commenting. I have known Demetrius Colvin, Sr. since grade school. Our kids were raised together… we served on the school board together. I know Mr Colvin for the man he is…. a good man who has the kids, our school and our community in his heart. For those who don’t know me – I am a white female…. I wasn’t raised to judge people by the color of their skin but by the goodness (or lack of) in their heart. If more people would stop always trying to make things a racial issue – the real issues would be able to be addressed. Lots of comments are always made about the decisions the board makes or doesn’t make. Unless you know the rules and protocols that must be followed, you shouldn’t pass judgement. If you think you know it all and how it should be – run for school board. Then you’ll understand better and hopefully stop passing judgement.

    To Demetrius – you keep doing what you do for the kids! Those who know you – never judge your character!!!

  6. Trustee, Felton Cox, needs to do himself and do what the entire community deserves and that’s your immediate resignation. He has become a complete distraction, as to what the Board of Trustees role is.

    1. Those asking for a resignation fail to see that that would be throwing out the baby with the bath water.

  7. Let’s look at the Texas Legislature, it is really their fault for not giving schools more money. The stress of not enough money in the school system creates the stressful environment where otherwise good board members may say nasty things accidentally. Let’s shift the blame off the local board and on to Austin!

    1. Are you kidding me!! The stess of not having enough funding does not cause someone to use such a hurtful and derogatory term. For the good of the community as well as the school district, that man needs to step down or be removed. How can he be trusted to make decisions that are beneficial to ALL students when it’s so obvious that he has hate and prejudice in his heart. His behavior is unacceptable and those who justify it are just as bad as he is. Had the show been on the other foot, Mr. Colvin woukd no longer be the chairman of the board and likely to be removed from the board all together. As adults it is up to us to be examples for our children and this is not the sort of behavior that our children should immulate. It is a privilege to seve in a procession that is so important to the education of young minds, one Cox does not deserve.

  8. For starters, for someone to say that this issue brings attention to something that negates other issues in the community is absurd! To say that this attack’s a man character, when indeed his character was revealed through his act of ignorance speaks to “your” character as well. If you truly believe that this one “word” should not be a reason to relieve this man of his duties then we continue to see why we as a nation can’t take steps towards true equality. My father serves on a school board in which he has no children, ties, or agenda. His sole purpose is to try and continue to provide service for young people, teachers, and a community that is growing and developing, and needs people who have a genuine interest in it.

    Myself the past baseball season was also victimized of racial acts. My yard was left with many distasteful signs along with letters left in my mailbox that advised myself and my family that we needed to find another place to live because we were no longer welcomed. Oh and by the way, I was refered to as a N-Word and my wife (who is white) a N-Word lover! I guess whoever left these messages for me has great integrity and are individuals who have the communities best interest at heart.

    This act is not here say, an allegation, or
    untrue, there is clean cut evidence. If you are avoiding or ignoring the fact, then you are apart of the problem.

  9. Mr. Cox, I voted for you, you convinced me you were running because you wanted to make the school system better for the students and staff. I don’t know what your plans are since this news came out, but if you are really interested in making the school system better, please resign now. If you don’t mind dragging the school further down than it has been in the last few weeks then stay and fight it out. Just please understand that nobody wins if you choose to stay. Your presence on the school board will make everyone wonder if your motives are racially driven and that will make the board weaker it the public’s eyes. This is not what I wanted or expected when I voted for you. I did not vote for this type of actions, it doesn’t represent my thoughts and ideals. Again, please resign and let the school board move on to the next problem they are facing without the additional controversy.

    1. Shocking, however, this is between 2 grown men and the children have not had a look in. It makes one wonder why this is happening when we know the children are starving for attention on so many issues, especially for their shame, humiliation from adults. Please Mr Colvin, as a parent that needs their child and family to heal, accept the apology that was given and let the Board start working with the children. Now is not the time for board resignations but to let Mr cox show his strength and passion and sound decisions to help these poor children.

      1. Reconsider, given the last meeting lasted over 4 hours in executive session, and this was again a topic (as it was discussed June 18 too)…

        I am curious if there is more than “just a bad word” involved.

        And – SO many people have said for the board to take responsibility for their actions and do the right thing: this is one of those cases.

        So – my question is do you want that applied to all or some?

        And sorry to say it should be a move on thing and ignored? – that’s sweeping under the rug, no better than what you denounce.

      2. Dear Reconsider and others,
        What are you talking about? Our children are the ones we are fighting for! There is no room ANYWHERE for anyone to demonstrate such ignorance and single minded views! Children are like sponges that absorb everything thing we as adults say (whether we think they do or not)! I am not of the same frame of mind as you obviously because I believe in my heart and soul what is going on in Burton right now is pure EVIL! Grown adults talking about being bullied from 9-10 years ago, to recent acts. We are adults not children! Stop and think. So you feel you were wronged. Others might agree. Others may not but it is time to let things go. It isn’t about us. It is about our children in this community and around the world. So your child or you didn’t get their way, or someone rolled their eyes at you. Guess what…. that is apart of life. Life isn’t fair. What is fair is that we give our youth the best and most honest future we can. There is ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE in this world, our community, our SCHOOL board for racial tension or dislikes. If you don’t you are the TRUE BULLY! Mr. Cox what you said (and don’t say you didn’t) there is proof, is the epitome of true ignorance and disrespect. I know it wasn’t meant for anyone to hear but guess what we all did. Please at this point do the right thing. Apologize and resign. Give our community time to heal and the board someone with integrity a chance to do what is right for our children. As far as the tax payers. I pay my taxes for the school to make it great not for this cluster! If you don’t like what is being done and believe in all the half truths and lies then no disrespect but move. I am sure wherever you go there are no issues and you can live happily ever after! But just remember we pay these taxes for our children to have the best education they can. Let us make Burton proud again. Let us let go of the EVIL, start fresh, and enrich our children. Let us give them something proud to immolate.

      3. Do the right thing….I applaud and respect you!! The most sound and honest comment to this situation!! Thank you!

      4. No,this is 2018. Zero tolerance is the rule for the children of the school district,we should expect nothing less of the leadership of our school district.

  10. Keep your head up cousin and remember the struggle is real.
    What’s important here are the children.

  11. I would like to point out to everyone making some assumptions about this issue that the topic of discipline of a public officer was put on the agenda during the JUNE 18 board agenda (regular meeting – to be discussed in executive session).

    This was the same night as the issues addressed by members of the public.

    This is easy to find if you ask for the agenda listing of that date and articles from both here and the newspaper. I read both – they were both listed in the preview articles. Also, by law they have to post the agendas each time they have a meeting, and they cannot add on to them unless there is a revised one (not the case here).

    So – to put these allegations to rest: This issue was NOT brought up to “try and hide” the complaints addressed at the June 18 meeting.

    Please stop distorting to push your own beliefs through. I personally have heard the rumors myself and yeah, just like the bullying they need to be investigated.

    Also, I’ve been reading here that you want the board to have integrity in any and all accusations. This has happened with this particular trustee – so which is it please?:

    A. Do you want investigations to occur for ANY and ALL type of grievance,

    B. Do you NOT want it, or

    C. Do you only want it for certain people?

    I choose A., but if C. happens (both sides of the article) count me in as far as people who will be willing to file a formal complaint to TEA. Somehow I’m starting to feel that most want point C., and that would be more disturbing.

  12. This is informative.
    People need to know.
    The news media should promote this.

    If you are a parent/guardian, student or teacher and you know of or had a serious problem happen to you or your child at school and took what you thought were the proper steps and spoke with the principal, the superintendent and maybe even the school board, and you were not given satisfaction, you still have recourse.

    Maybe they told you that they would look into and fix the problem, only to be told later that you didn’t follow the right protocol or go through the proper channels or fill out and file the right forms.

    Or perhaps you don’t even want to go to the school with your issue for fear that nothing will be done because you have heard of the history the school has of talking about issues but never really doing anything about them.

    Google: TEA Educator Discipline FAQ

    Allegation of Misconduct
    Texas Education Agency
    1701 N. Congress Avenue
    Austin, TX 78701-1494
    Fax: (512) 475-3665
    complaintsmanagement @ tea . texas . gov

    UIL (512) 471-5883
    CPS (800) 252-5400

  13. It is beyond ridiculous that people are really coming to this comment section to defend an egregious and belittling act like this. Then you attempt to pass it as a “rumor”? Something that is recorded and on TAPE no less. My Father has practiced a level of restraint that has been very shocking and humbling to me throughout this matter. The sad part about it is I KNEW that some I the community would try to defend it or sweep it under the proverbial rug. Many peiple would have outed this man and showed you all who he really is behind a closed door or a tape recording, but instead my Father, even as proud of a man as he is, took the degrading comments to give him an opportunity to walk among everyone untainted by his racist remarks. I cannot say that I am surprised, but I will not allow for this to be passed off as an attempt to fulfill any agenda. This is ABSOLUTELY what happened and it makes me wonder how many “NB’s” (sic) my Father has been called off of some of your lips while in the presence of this gentleman. In case anyone wonders, this is coming from DEMETRIUS COLVIN, JR. Unlike some of you cowards, I can proudly mention my name and own this post. God bless you all and I hope that some of you defending this keep that same energy if they allow you to hear the tapes of what was said.

    1. Shocking and hopefully your father can put himself in the childrens and employees shoes of Burton ISD. My understanding is at least your father got an apology, the children and employee victims have not received anything towards their healing.

      1. With respect to you, my Father has put himself in children’s positions for more than 20 years. Even when my Brother and I were students, he would constantly support other kids and is still doing it today. I understand that he is my Father and I can definitely be speaking from a position which makes me impartial to side with him, however I am speaking from a place of someone who looking on the outside looking in and I see him still dedicating unpaid time to kids and teachers when he has no kids there. You say he doesn’t put himself in that position, I see him spending time with his Grandkids, but taking time at the same moment to take calls from parents about other kids and trying to find solutions. While I hear what you, Mr. or Mrs., are saying I know what I have watched my Father do time and time again for all types of children even sometimes at the risk of putting his own personal life on the back burner and NEVER complaining about it. In all honesty he has actually put himself in thise shoes several times as a parent and knows exactly what they feel as well as a teacher because he understands their job is hard. Ask ANY teacher I had in school if he was unfair in their decision making with me, his child. Anyone can talk about what they are going to do, but I’m most positive there will be many parents who KNOW what reality is as it pertains to my Father and what he is willing to do for these kids. I also know that things he has done to help students may go overlooked because he isn’t the type to mention it. Man gives awards and God gives rewards. I’m short just because you don’t see the wind, that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. God bless you.

      2. Shocking – may I ask you this?

        Do you support investigating ANY abuses and allegations, and penalties for ALL…

        Or do you not?

        I personally see this as progress – and I think it will continue for the allegations made by citizens over alleged abuses by students and teachers.

        I say alleged because we do not have the full stories in regard to those or even here – just gossip and a few letters that may or may not be totally accurate. The victims may not be victims for all we know. Now, before you balk at that comment, I’ve been a victim of a false allegation by people before in my career. Cost me a lot, even though I was vindicated.

        To say that there were risks slander if proven unfounded.

  14. Smoke and mirrors, people. Watch the right hand so you don’t see what the left hand is doing. If the board is this enraged over a mistake at the end of a message, where is the rage over the treatment of numerous children and teachers? Just another way the board is trying to cover up for the AD once again. Outrageous that they would take this lone “word” to try to force one member to resign, yet over look all the evidence in the bigger more pressing matter. I’ve known Felton for many years, and I know he is a man of integrity. I know he has the children and school’s best interest at heart. REDICULOUS!! Shame on the board, super shame on the superintendent!!

    1. Regardless of the merits of the accusations, hometown politics wins again. No big surprise, the law is interpretted different in Burton, Texas!

    2. Are You Kidding me?? How is one man’s actions, saying a derogatory thing about a board member the AD’s fault?? He is the Athletic Director and the last time I checked our athletics programs are doing well. By the way he also teaches science. Let’s talk about getting better facilities for our athletics and let’s talk about the board doing what is best for our students and our community.

      1. Astrosorange: Reread the post!! No one said that the problem between the 2 board members was the AD’s fault!! It was said that they are jumping on this, but the bigger issue that involves numerous children, teachers, and parents is, once again, being ignored. Don’t put words in some one else’s post that isn’t there!! The AD has enough to account for on his own!!

        1. This issue was addressed starting the same night as the parents protest in executive session. It wasn’t created to detract from the allegations against the AD.

          I also find it interesting many of these folks also denounced the board for putting goals on both principals and the AD to improve their records and behavior, saying it was not fair to ANY of the three.

          It’s rather interesting on many levels, many ignored.

      2. I for one cannot understand the talks concerning the AD. He and his family have been in that community since Jesus was a baby and have proven to be reputable, loyal, and honest people. As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say they helped shape the lives of many children, including myself, who would have otherwise been passed over and overlooked by others who had no hope for them as students. I am shocked at people in the community who are trying to tear this man down. As long as I’ve known them they have been a family that is willing to talk and listen so I guess I’m just confused as to how or why people continue to tear him down on these types of platforms. That A.D. and his family gave me some hard truths about reality when I needed it, but at the same time the first to tell me good job and build me up when i was right. They were Fathers and Mothers away from my own and many other kids as well.

        1. Thank you! It hurts me to see people attack the AD and his family. They have helped many kids over the years and they honestly love the community. Are they perfect, no but who is? Last I checked none of us are perfect. Run him off and what will you accomplish, another loss for our school is what that will accomplish. These two issues have nothing in relation so why are people harping on the AD? There are not a ton of teachers knocking down doors to come to Burton. Don’t run off the ones who honestly care just because your kid didn’t get what you think is fair. We are raising a generation of entitled spoiled children who will not make it in the real world because of parents like the ones out to get the AD. Honestly I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown in the towel. There are some mean hateful people in Burton. I’m sorry your dad has encountered one of them too but it seems like several of the good guys are fighting a hard battle right now. So sad.

          1. So very Sad….I agree. The fact that the AD is being attack shocks me. As my son said, they have been there forever but most importantly helping EVERY child regardless of race/culture. This let’s me know the community has become infected with tainted principles and morals becoming weak. Not saying that issues have not always been there but strength in a community overrules.

    3. Tired… Reread your post from yesterday… Covering up for the AD?? How is it his fault one board member allegedly said something derogatory to another??

  15. Don’t forget what the real issues are.
    Copies of complaint letters from employees, parent/students and public can be requested from the Burton admin bldg. This may help the public understand the comments on KWHI. It is never too late to file a complaint regarding abuse and safety of a child, even though they now maybe adult. Complaint forms are available at the admin office.
    Complaints can be filed with:
    TEA (512) 475-3666
    CPS. (800) 252-5400
    UIL. (512) 471-5883

  16. Man…burton just can’t stay off of kwhi. This is just sad.

  17. Sounds like a controversy that has been created so the board doesn’t have to answer to the issues from the previous meeting. Is this what took four hours in executive session since everything was tabled in that executive session meeting?

    1. The issue regarding discipline of an public officer was also listed on the agenda the week of the large group in public forum at the regular meeting.

      So no – this was NOT created to cover up the previous meeting. That allegation ends here, and can actually be backed up with a simple call.

  18. Classic practice of character assassination.

    Very obvious this is a set up and a distraction to the real bullying by the management of Burton ISD.
    Felton Cox has been the LONE VOICE of fair play and transparency, who has been advocating for the African-American community in BISD.

    Where’s the outrage from certain members who are most affected by that more egregious RECENT Facebook posting of the CONFEDERATE FLAG from a fellow board member, which was presented at the June Board Meeting.


      1. Yes,
        But, only if you don’t let this distract you from the real issues the Board should be working on: All those complaints of abuse submitted at the last board meeting.

    1. There is always two sides to the story, and even I can say there has been some credibility to the rumors about Cox’s behavior.

      Given too more than four hours were taken last week on the issue, it’s a serious allegation.

      You have said you want the board to take stuff like this and bullying seriously, then denounce it when done – which do you REALLY want?

      1. Don’t you get it?
        This is a distraction from the real BIG issues of corruption in this district.

    2. OMG – Really Hypocrisy? It is on tape. There is solid proof. No conspiracy theories. No cover-ups. This is what is on our school board. The ones that our great community voted on. I just do not understand. The only “Bullying” going on is the ones that have a vendetta. It is so easy to point a finger. There is so much EVIL in the world and right now, it seems the ones “accusing” others of “Bullying” are completely off base, and are the ones doing the “Bullying”. It is time for everyone to grow up and act like adults, one that our children are proud to immolate. Burton is an awesome community and I am proud to live there and glad my children go to school there, but the vendettas and jealousy run so deep that it is affecting our community. It is time to step back and reevaluate. Do we want our children growing up thinking and knowing that it is ok for people to use racial slurs especially someone that is representing our school on our school board? I personally do not think that is acceptable. By the way Hypocrisy, the definition of bully is: use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. If this is the true definition of the word, then everyone is a bully. We are all guilty of doing this, but what it boils down to is how one perceives things. Let us make Burton proud again. Stop all the pointing fingers and petty stuff. Let us act like the adults we are supposed to be and start making better decisions for our children.

      1. Don’t let this most recent issue cover up the dangerous goings on that are always covered up.

    3. I disagree – they are rumors (for all we know there may be more), we take everything with a grain of salt. They could be right, they could be wrong.

      We simply do not know yet, and I would say it’d be more embarrassing to take a side until we know for sure lest we are wrong.

      Bear in mind, they took over FOUR hours to discuss issues including discipline of a public officer – this may have been it.

      If it was, they’re taking things rather seriously for once.

      And if they’re taking it quite seriously – I would see it as HOPE and positive progress that they are going to take the other allegations just as seriously to the point that if this is hindering the complaint process, it’s being rectified.

      Some food for thought.

      1. what ever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. the so called N word is now disrespectful but so are a lot of other words apologise and move on

        1. Retired,
          I am certain that you used the “sticks abs stones” reference because you have never been called something as hurtful as th “N” word. I have and it is NOT something that can easily be moved on from. It’s hurtful. Imagine how Mr. Colvin and his family family feels to see this play publically. What if Mr. Colvin would have used a racial slur to address another board member, he would be dismissed from the board. It is time to be honest about the direction that our society is headed. It is so sad that in this day and age the “N” word woukd still be in that man’s vocabulary. He needs to take a self inventory and of you think that this issue can be easily moved on from and did not cause hurt to not only Mr. Colvin, his family and other African Americans in the community, perhaps you need to do a little soul searching yourself. There is no room for this and as a leader of Burton ISD and the Burton community, he is setting a bad example. That man’s words were hurtful and divisive. Many of the comments here are proof that many people do not tolerate racism but when society turns a blind eye to injustice or tries to apologize and move on, the same mistakes will be made again. An apology will not make this go away but cox’s removal from the board will be the first step in the healing process.

      2. They are focusing “SERIOUSLY” on one issue at the expense of all other issues that are more serious.
        It’s just a race card tactic.
        Don’t be fooled.

        1. I’m not – I prefer true integrity, which means that even this allegation (which is serious as it TOO is bullying) is investigated, so it should be.

          Hipocracy! – I am going to ask you this: Do you want things to be investigated or not? If you do, you have to understand that ANYTHING challenged needs to be investigated, all sides. If you say one yes, not the other, then you are a hypocrite, or your own namesake.

          Personally, given this was on the agenda during the regular June meeting, I’m saying that they’re starting to take things seriously and this won’t be the last time they come together to discuss bullying. If I’m wrong, then there’s a problem.

        2. That is the problem with the world now days too much “Hipocracy”! Too many lies and people trying to point fingers. “Hipocracy” at its finest! “Hipocracy” is EVIL!

    4. Karma! Wolf in sheeps clothes! I’ll give you the benefit that you are not aware of how a voicemail works, but just to clarify once you’re done leaving a message, hang the phone up! It’s still records! No ones fault but his! And let me just say, it’s about time! This has been the source of the problems on the board and this school. Now everyone can see! He needs to go! Karma!

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