Congressman Michael McCaul

Local U.S. Congressman Michael McCaul is questioning the move by President Trump to pull all 2,000 U.S. troops out of Syria.

The president suddenly declared victory over the Islamic State, Wednesday, contradicting his own experts’ assessments and sparking surprise and outrage from his party’s lawmakers who called his action rash and dangerous.

Among those expressing concerns was McCaul, the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee and a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Friday, McCaul said he has, “been very supportive of President Trump’s actions over the last two years in Iraq and Syria.”

However, McCaul expressed concerns that, “such a move is premature and could empower ISIS to regroup and rebuild.”  McCaul went on to say, it could inspire Assad to slaughter scores of innocent Syrians, strengthen Russia in the region, and embolden Iran and its Shia proxies to fill the void left behind.

McCaul says he’s hopeful the president, “can explain how this immediate withdrawal is in America’s best interest.”

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