A Brenham woman arrested last month on Child Prostitution charges has been indicted and is in federal custody.
(Washington Co. Jail--2017)
According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, 22-year-old Samantha Sanders was federally indicted June 18th on three counts of sex trafficking of a minor.
Sanders is charged with recruiting, harboring and soliciting three victims under the age of 18 for commercial sex acts. Sanders is accused of benefitting financially from her involvement in the trafficking.
Sanders was set to make her initial appearance before a U.S. judge Thursday. If convicted, she faces a minimum of ten years and up to life in prison.
The FBI conducted the investigation with assistance from the Houston Police Department as part of the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance.
All bird of a feather do not flock together. This child (herself) was in the wrong place at the wrong time!! So quick to judge!!! I hope such ignorance, does not follow her to the court room!! I do feel for those children involved including Samantha. God knows, this young lady, has had a troubles life, but there’s no way she’d harm anyone elses child!!
Throw the book at her. Federal time, as much of it as possible.
Human trafficking is so incredibly harmful to young children, young adults, and to our society as a whole. If this person is found guilty, I hope she will be jailed and held as long as possible. The harm she has caused to those she abused carries a lifetime of scares. She needs to pay a very high price.
Good for her I hope she gets life becouse you don’t take your kids or any body’s kids and sell them for sex.These poor children don’t have a chance in life now days.If thier parents are not beating them,selling them for sex or killing then a stranger is doing it.So yes she needs to be locked up for life , becouse those children will have to have alot of counseling due to what was done to them, because thier mother was to lazy to go find a job and make her money the right way.