The Brenham School District’s Board of Trustees will hear an update on plans for the start of instruction for the 2020-21 school year, when the meet in-person, Monday night.

The board members will hear a report on the plan, which will include two instructional models for when classes resume on Wednesday, August 19th:  on campus, face-to-face instruction and remote/virtual learning.

Parents are being asked to choose the preferred instruction option for their students in a survey, which is now available to take at

The reopening plan also goes over safety guidelines for on-campus learning, such as the creation of a COVID-19 Response Team consisting of district and campus administrators that will plan for and respond to COVID-19 concerns.

Also at Monday’s meeting, the board will hold a public hearing on the Pride Academy’s Optional Flexible School Day Program.  The board will then discuss the application to implement the program for 2020-21.

The board will also hear a 2020-21 Budget update.

The Brenham School Board meets Monday night at 6:00 at Brenham High School.  The public can also listen to the meeting on YouTube.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. Cub Mom, what’s 1% mortality?

    One of the John Muir Health Cardiologists, Walter Savage, MD, sent this post:

    Just some more scientific evidence for the nonbelievers of the seriousness of COVID 19. Things are getting worse not better. We are all sick of it but now is the time to tighten up again. Social distance and wear a mask.


    There are two problems with this question.

    It neglects the law of large numbers; and It assumes that one of two things happen: you die or you’re 100% fine.

    The US has a population of 328,200,000. If one percent of the population dies, that’s 3,282,000 people dead.

    Three million people dead would monkey wrench the economy no matter what. That more than doubles the number of annual deaths all at once.

    The second bit is people keep talking about deaths. Deaths, deaths, deaths. Only one percent die! Just one percent! One is a small number! No big deal, right?

    What about the people who survive?

    For every one person who dies:

    – 19 more require hospitalization.
    – 18 of those will have permanent heart damage for the rest of their lives.
    – 10 will have permanent lung damage.
    – 3 will have strokes.
    – 2 will have neurological damage that leads to chronic weakness and loss of coordination.
    – 2 will have neurological damage that leads to loss of cognitive function.

    So now all of a sudden, that “but it’s only 1% fatal!” becomes:

    – 3,282,000 people dead.
    – 62,358,000 hospitalized.
    – 59,076,000 people with permanent heart damage.
    – 32,820,000 people with permanent lung damage.
    – 9,846,000 people with strokes.
    – 6,564,000 people with muscle weakness.
    – 6,564,000 people with loss of cognitive function.

    That’s the thing that the folks who keep going on about “only 1% dead, what’s the big deal?” don’t get.

    The choice is not “ruin the economy to save 1%.” If we reopen the economy, it will be destroyed anyway. The US economy cannot survive everyone getting COVID-19.

    This is blanket permission to c/p.

  2. I think it’s great that BISD is giving parents the option. My child will go in person. What are we supposed to do? Stay locked up until this virus goes away? It’s not going away so we have to learn how to protect those who are at risk & everyone else needs to get on with their lives. 99% of the people who get infected will survive! The flu is actually worse for kids but we don’t close school for that. Thank you BISD for working thru this difficult time. It’s time for some hope instead of all the negativity. We need to hear what we can do instead of what’s impossible.

  3. BISD is sure making this a hard decision when many questions can not be answered. Football boys are being put on quarantine already almost weekly, how is a school with hundreds of students and teachers supposed to manage. We all know parents
    will continue to send their kids to school no matter their COVID status. I just do not see how this is supposed to function without effecting kids, parents, grandparents, etc. No matter what people think, this virus is real. Finding more out everyday on the long term effects with current research, especially in children. I am personally all about education and kids being kids… but there needs to be a better plan… as of now BISD does not have one. Assume the worse, and hope for the best. Let’s a plan either way.

      1. Home school is going to be the best option for you Ugh.
        It will allow the social distancing that you
        are asking for.
        Just leave everyone else out of it.

    1. When the election is over and this virus magically “disappears”, all of you that have wrapped your identity in this COVID-1984 will not know what to do with yourselves. Of course it’s a real virus, but we have dealt with viruses since the beginning of time!! People have gotten sick, had effects from them, and unfortunately died from ALL viruses, but this virus was made political and here we are…….. We will NEVER get back to living a normal life because of the manipulated fear tactics. We will forever need to “shutdown” at the SLIGHTEST hint of a illness, virus, or disease.

      1. I have worked in nursing homes for over 20 years. I have never seen so many people die from a virus or even the flu as I have seen recently. How is that political?

      2. Go take a walk on the COVID unit of any hospital or loose someone you love from it as they die alone then we will talk. Yes flu and other viruses are deadly, but this one is worse. Politics or no politics… until we get a vaccine that gives some kind of protection, we are in trouble. You never know what will happen once you are infected, it’s like rolling dice. You better just pray if you get it. Men, women, kids of all ages are on vents or dying… that’s not politics. Sure you are most worried about the sports aspect of it …. who cares about that right now, so much more to kids than Brenham sports. So tired of hearing about politics, I care about people and lives.

      3. DO NOT AGREE WITH ANYTHING YOU SAY CUB FAN. YOU ARE SO WRONG ON THIS. You are likely one of those that just care about dropping your children off for someone else to deal with Doesn’t matter about the safety of the school staff. You obviously haven’t had anyone in your life deal with consequences of this virus

      4. “When the election is over and this virus magically ‘disappears’, all of you that have wrapped your identity in this COVID-1984 will not know what to do with yourselves”. Really? The convolution of your hypothesis is beyond cognizance! Is the virus a “hoax” perpetrated by the Democrats & Independents & GOP defectors to defeat trump or is the coronavirus pandemic a ploy perpetrated by trump to re-elect trump. Which one, oh mighty one?

    2. Truthfully ? You are so correct in what you have said Concerened Parent. Parents just want to drop off kids for the relief of not having to babysit ! Yes, no matter what Covid infected or not !
      BISD will end up getting so many INNOCENT people sick due to their decision making on OPENING their doors !!!! I do not see How they are willing to ASSIST in contaminating our communities even more than where we are at !
      I’m just wondering what type of package do they have prepared for the NEW Superintendent. Will the salary go grow 200k to maybe 300k TAX payers need to agree on what can and cannot be permitted or allowed for this position as a salary !!!!
      Why would the trusties care how much is offered since WE the TAXPAYERS will be giving the new Sup. Their paycheck !!!!
      ALSO isn’t that photo include the previous superintendent, is he still part of the board or has he resigned from this position as well?

      1. Sad. Truly sad.
        The fact that you assume that parents only need babysitting done by the school district is very telling of your mindset.
        It is school.
        Kids need to be in school.
        You need to be at home, away from all the dangers of the world.
        Go scare people on Facebook, please.

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