The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles has denied parole for a former Austin County Tax Assessor/Collector for the third time.

Marcus Pena
(Austin Co. Jail)

43-year-old Marcus Peña of Bellville now has his next parole review date set for November of this year after pleading guilty in March of 2018 to charges of stealing money from the county and misusing taxpayer dollars.  He was twice denied parole in 2019, once in January and again in December.

Peña was sentenced to ten years in prison for Felony Theft and Misapplication of Fiduciary Funds.  He was also ordered to pay $275,000 in restitution as part of his punishment.

After his sentencing, Peña in August 2018 requested a motion to be released from prison early and placed on “shock probation,” but the motion was denied.  He first became eligible for parole in January 2019.

In the decision, the board said Peña “has repeatedly committed criminal episodes that indicate a predisposition to commit criminal acts upon release.”  It also said the length of time being served by him “is not congruent with offense severity and criminal history.”  A third category, “Other,” was also cited, meaning parole was also denied for other unspecified reasons.

The board’s reasons for denying Peña parole in its latest decision were the same reasons given in his previous reviews.

You can view the board's decision here.

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