The six County Judges that make up the Regional Vaccination subHUB took a tour of the Washington County facility today (Tuesday) to see how it is working. Washington County EMS Director Kevin Deramus explained that they are averaging 280 vaccinations per hour, and expected to give out all of the 2000 doses they received today (Tuesday). Unfortunately, it won’t be until Thursday of this week to see if they will be allotted more of the COVID vaccine.
The most asked question from the County Judges were how their constituents can register to get vaccinated. Deramus explained that they are working though the list of the first 8000 people who called in, and the call center won’t be opened back up until all those are vaccinated. He said it didn’t matter if a person called one or a thousand times, the first call number was recorded by the system, and all subsequent calls are thrown out. Deramus stated that they were not expecting the huge number of calls they received, but next time, if and when the number is reactivated, they would likely have a recording that said your number had been recorded and no further action or phone calls were necessary.
The County Judges saw how their county workers and volunteers were being utilized. The EMS from several counties were helping, along with the Texas Agrilife Extension workers, Sheriff’s Offices, and volunteers.
Update to my earlier comment:
The text directing me to a google form for registrating for the Sub-Hub vaccination, arrived several hours after the orginal automated call. I was able to fill out on my mobile device easily. It may be note worthy to others interested in getting the vaccination that there is a delay between the automated call (in which you are required to make a selection to continue in the process) and the delivery of the text message with the registration form. This form is not on the website, although you can register to be made aware of emergency alerts and it does have the consent forms needed to recieve the vaccine.
Regarding the vaccination distribtion:
I recieved a call back today that directed me to the web address to sign up. The recorded message stated that the previous list of callers (which I was on) would no longer going to be used moving forward, and that people need to sign up via the website. However, there is no method to sign up via the website. Additionally, I recieved an email from Brookshire Bros. indicating that they are no longer accepting additional names to their online waiting list at this time due to the uncertainty of when they will recieve additional allocations of the vaccine.