Democrats in the Texas House left the state on Monday for Washington, D.C. to attempt to prevent a quorum in the recently called special session, and they say they are prepared to remain out of state until the session ends.

This is the second time Democrats have walked out to protest the advancing of GOP-backed voting legislation, which they say will make it more difficult for people to vote.

The 30-day special session began last week and is scheduled to run through August 6th.  Governor Greg Abbott is able to continue calling special sessions through next year if necessary, and some House Republicans have indicated their support of using law enforcement to bring legislators back to the Capitol.

Abbott issued a statement saying the Democrats’ decision “inflicts harm on the very Texans who elected them to serve,” and that they “must put aside partisan political games and get back to the job they were elected to do.”

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  1. Now that the initial furor has seemingly subsided, I think it’s worth pointing out several things that most may be unfamiliar with. The first is that the Texas Constitution allows for this type of action and behavior. While I’m certain that the forefathers’ idea did not include leaving the state or such exorbitant actions, it does allow this. The second is that if the members who left were to be ‘fired’ as so many persons call for or ‘fired and replaced’ as others want, then who will be their replacements, and do you think that the runners up of the elections that put them there would be any different? The third is that some Democrats have already started the process to return their daily per diem to the state while they are not participating in the special session. This, because it is something unusual, does not have an easily done, clearly marked path to go down. One legislator said that it would take her staff two or three days to file all of the documents required for her to return the per diem money. The fourth is that without two parties, or three, involved in the state government, Texas would quickly turn into the oft-cited banana republic; just as in our federal government, two parties offer a checks and balances system as well as an opportunity for all, despite their differences, to have representation. The one comment made by the poster ‘The Truth’ said it succinctly: “We the people voted for you to represent us[…]”. Never forget that the people are represented by their elected representatives and that the peoples’ needs and wants should be expressed by those in both Austin and Washington; it is not the people who must change their views to that of their representatives. If the majority of Democratic Texans feel this was something that should have been done, then so be it; if their constituents think they acted irresponsibly, then let them relate that to the legislators and speak at the next election.

  2. Then everyone of them need to removed from office. If they don’t want to do the job they were ELECTED to do then fine, go back to being an average citizen. No more sucking off the US tax dollars. Get the heck out of the way of people that want to work and do great things for all of us and not just line your pockets with our money. You’re fired! No pension, no insurance, no retirement for you. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I’m sick and tired of these so called politicians. You don’t work, you don’t get paid.

    1. Well you got that off of your chest. Good! Nothing will change and I pray and hope that those Democrats ignite a nation wide revolt and revolution! They are correct in EVERYTHING they did! Voting is a Constitutional right and NO ONE & I MEAN, NO ONE IS GOING INTERFERE NOR RESTRICT THAT RIGHT!

      1. Please show me one provision that prevents a legal voter from casting their vote. Just one. You can’t do it because it doesn’t exist in the proposed bill. Voter suppression is a lie perpetuated by those who don’t want honest elections. This is not new. It happens all over the world and it’s how one-party regimes stay in power for decades. Their elections are scams. They allow elections in those regimes for the purpose of pretending they practice democracy.

  3. YES, just a bunch of cowards. They have also turned Austin into a small California. I HATE CALIFORNIA AND ALL IT STANDS FOR.

  4. They should all be stripped of their duties since they decided to run and abandon the duty they were elected to do.

  5. If they walked out then they all should be fired that’s what would happen to anyone else in the real world how very childish on the behalf of the dems

  6. No law ever passed by Texas Democrats in the future will have any legitimacy. The democrats and the communist media pretend they are heroes but their cowardly actions are the opposite of democracy. They are subverting the will of the people because they want to be able to cheat in elections. There is absolutely nothing in the bill to prevent a person from legally voting. The bill only prevents cheating and protects us from becoming a banana republic with fake elections. Democrats are cowards!

  7. How about getting your rears back to Austin and negotiating these agenda items? This will only set a precedent of “if I don’t get my way, I’m going to leave” and absolutely nothing gets done. That could be the case whether its Republican or Democrat controlled. We the people voted for you to represent us and not act like 2 year olds. If we want to play that way, you don’t get paid anything at all and taxpayers get the choice of whether paying taxes or not without penalty or consequences. Politicians are the biggest leeches in society.

  8. What a bunch of cowards, Democrats will do anything to get their way, they seem to have n belief in the democratic process and the concept of a loyal opposition! They should be removed from their seats for failing to do their duty. Legislators primary duty is to vote on legislation and they are failing in the most important job they have.

  9. When the going gets tough….MIA means nothing gets done. Why are you getting paid. I wouldn’t if I left my job.

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