The Brenham Planning and Zoning Commission will decide whether to allow car washes as a specific use in mixed business and residential areas at its meeting Monday.

Commissioners will hold a public hearing before acting on an ordinance text amendment to permit car washes in the city’s B-1, local business/residential mixed use zoning district as a specific use.  The city currently allows car detailing shops in the B-1 district, but not car washes.

In June, Todd and Tyson Felder asked the city if they could redevelop the property at 1413 West Main Street with an automatic car wash.

The matter was discussed during the Planning and Zoning Commission’s meeting on June 28th, where commissioners said they were in favor of allowing car washes on a case-by-case basis.  Their recommendation was passed on to the Brenham City Council on July 1st, and city staff were told to prepare an ordinance text amendment for commissioners to consider.

The commission will meet Monday at noon at Brenham City Hall.

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  1. I don’t live there on west main at milk. But, I have went to that carwash next to residential area. It must be devastating having to live there and put up with the loud music, headlights shining at your house window, trash in your yard, diesel and exhaust fumes in your yard. Loud exhaust. And all of the noise from the automatic washer to add to the misery. This is 24 hours a day. Looks like the city planners don’t wash their own car. Haven’t done an elementary study. Or has an interest in the new carwash. City apparently just don’t care about homeowners.

  2. You are right. The noise is terrible that a car wash generates from the car wash equipment and from the people. My grandpa’s house was next to a car wash on Market St. The use of his backyard for family gatherings was destroyed. The car wash destroyed a forty year family tradition of family gatherings in Pa Pa and Me Me’s backyard. The city planners and council don’t care about what they do to your homestead. The city planners and council just don’t want it close to their house.

  3. The erosion of our small town continues. You have already allowed huge shopping centers with tax abatement. Now you want to allow car washes with noise, blaring music, 24 hour operations, light pollution, right next to residential. I can’t believe city planner and city development directors have supported this change. The development directors are obviously supporting their own political interests and it sounds like elected officials are being misinformed again by city planning department. Council needs to read the b1 ordinance like I did, which specifically states that business is conducted inside a building. The forefathers who wrote rules obviously knew more than today’s development directors and planners that are purposely misleading city council. Looks like people with homes in the b1 district have no historical protections. City council needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

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