Brenham ISD is now searching for a new high school principal.
On Monday, according to a statement from Brenham ISD, Brenham High School Principal Joseph Chandler notified the district that he has accepted an offer from Houston ISD. Chandler’s last day with Brenham ISD will be September 10th.
Chandler said he will greatly miss working with the families and staff of Brenham ISD.
Chandler has served as Brenham High School’s principal since 2016. Prior to that, he was the principal at Willowridge High School in Fort Bend ISD for three years.
In Houston ISD, Chandler will serve as a school support officer, acting as a resource for six high schools. He will coach principals and work with them to implement changes in their schools.
Chandler said he will carry his experiences in Brenham with him as he moves on to his new role.
Brenham ISD says it will move forward with searching for an interim principal immediately, while a search for a permanent principal will begin soon.
I’m so very grateful for all you do in our BHS ,always you try to help and keep the students interesting to believe in selfs ,give them the help they need to trust in them and push them to do their dreams real . God Bless you and I’ll Hope In Houston the people saw your work ,and they will b Thankful ,because to have a good society all start in our home isn’t just your work .that will b star in our homes but it’s to easy always clean our hands and guilty the other people ..My family always b greatful with all you do ,We will miss you …
I was a substitute teacher, texas certified and experienced, and had the opportunity to work for/with the Principal, Mr. Joseph Chandler. He was the most kind, supportive and insightful principal I ever worked for. He got to school early each day, greeted the students and staff as we came in the front door with words of cheer and hope: “Have a great day my friends…..”Great job you did yesterday, thanks….” “Today’s going to be a good one…” Sound silly…? Not at all, as everyone I know really thanked him for his support. I did! And whenever an incident broke out, he was there, quiet, listening, and calming. He never lost it, and he has a great way about him, you know he’s being honest and wants to understand and help. And that affect is rare today, in any type of business or relationship. But, when Mr. Chandler is there, it works, and it works well. We’re losing a great man in my mind, but I know that the Houston ISD (where I used to work) is getting someone good, really good. And I know that the students, teachers, and school staff are going to be thankful. Good luck Mr. Chandler…..and thanks so much. I fully support Ms. Vianey Olvera’s words.
I work at the school and let me say BISD has no absolute leadership and no consistency!! Lack of communication and always implementing new changes of but nothing sticks with the changes when they keep changing it it’s no wonder most of us have left or planning on it!! Don’t even get me started on the pay what a joke
Y’all would really be upset if you knew that the Athletic Director for Brenham makes about 3 times the average teacher’s salary. Look it up. No wonder my taxes are so outrageous.
Maybe now they can bring in someone who can handle the task of taming the beast that BHS has become. Stop the drug dealers in the halls and the rampant drug use by its students. Bring back discipline in the classroom with real consequences for the criminal activities that occur. Stop sweeping everything under the rug to try and keep a unblemished appearance. I’ve been there I know, I moved on because BHS doesn’t back it’s teachers, instead ties their hands and tells them to just take it. When you specifically ask for help and no one shows up, employees get the idea!
So your saying because you witness a drug transaction in hallways of the school it kept you from teaching inside the classroom? Just asking a question!
Well give me the name of a school district in the USA that don’t have theses problems! Now I sure they pay more for the trouble!
Your coming across petty! Now yes students need structure and discipline! But it seems you are putting down the students! Children are going to make mistakes! Now your telling me you witness drug trafficking in the school! Did you report this activity to the principle! Are athletic director!
Honey there’s is tons of drugs at BHS. For y’all Brenham people who choose not to believe that you are very wrong! I also worked for the district and yea the drug problem is real and bad. And that’s not the only problem that’s occurring in the bathrooms and hallways! And not enough is being done about it!! Wake up Brenham! And NO! teachers do not have to put up with that!!
Welcome to Houston ISD
We need more talented individuals that can provide leadership and diversity in development. In the rural communities we must establish a suitable workforce program to draw businesses in order to pay the instructors more
Not just staff are leaving. Parents are pulling their kids and moving them to nearby districts. From academics to athletics Brenham is not what is was just a few short years ago. It’s really disappointing because Brenham could be and should be so much better.
Everyone just assumes he’s leaving because the school board is a mess…
This Central Office and new superintendent need a wake up call!! So many great teachers and administrators are leaving like rats off a sinking ship. And watch–they will bring in someone from god knows where in the State instead of promoting from within! On top of the disgrace they have done to our special needs students like my grandson, this administration is a disaster. Where is the school board???
What exactly is the direction the leadership is trying to take our school district? I hear lots of talk about the school vision, but that’s just lip service. Students first? ha – they are already testing them one week into school. Teachers first? Maybe first out the door to another district when they feel like all they can do is worry about numbers and data. What about the human aspect of teaching kids? What about making them feel valuable and help them become future contributing citizens to society? Instead it’s just another slogan on a t shirt and pretend all is well. If you want to make real change then don’t tear up parts that are working, push beyond to the next level. We just seem to be in this endless cycle of new leadership coming in every 3 or 4 years and selling their “vision” then leaving town and leaving the teachers, students, and parents here to muddle through the mess.
From what I’ve heard this new superintendent has upset many teacher, teacher’s aids as well as principals. When people are happy and doing good work why shake them up by moving them around.? Also why does Brenham ISD pay less than other area districts? Maybe stop paying the administration people so much and put that money toward raising teacher salaries.
I can answer that last question. Tax revenue. The people complaining about teacher retention are the same ones screaming they are being taxed to death. Until the state comes up with a better way to fund education, this is where we are. You want to retain teachers but you don’t want to raise taxes to pay them. Yes, central office could be paired down, but when you’re talking about coming into line with surrounding districts, getting rid of a few administrative positions won’t cut it. You’re going to need to find more revenue, and right now, that comes from property taxes.
That’s what happens when the school board always takes someone outside of the district for these positions! These career school bureaucrats never stay in one place for more than a few years. A lot of them immediately start looking for better paying job elsewhere. The board would do much better to promote from within the school district.
I agree
What is happening in Brenham ISD? So much turnover and now four days into the school year, the head high school principal is leaving. How does this help the staff or the students of BHS especially after moving nearly all the assistant principals that worked there to other campuses. The same is true at the JH. A new principal and two APs that weren’t there before. I understand that change must sometimes occur when things aren’t working but to have your two highest levels of learning in the district without any stability is not good for anyone. Another school year with a interim principal on a BISD campus = confusion and low morale. No wonder so many quality educators are leaving our town to work elsewhere.
Yes, you are right, it is demoralizing. Leadership turnover in BISD is not acceptable recently. It seems that school districts have created a culture, especially with leadership types, to just move from district to district as much as possible chasing higher salaries. That’s not in the best interest of the students or the other faculty left to deal with new incoming “management” who want to turn things upside down. Something needs to change to fix this musical chair game (this is not just a BISD problem). Increase contract duration terms?
I agree. I taught high school for over 20 years, and I remember that the administrations were always vehement about the 45 day prior to the first day of school notice given to teachers for resignations to occur. This guy knew he was going, and probably has been talking up “what a good year we’re going to have” and “how I love it at Brenham High”. While he certainly does have the choice to find another job, any ethical person would have done so over the late spring and summertime, and if that job could not be procured, then you stick it out and do the very best you can for the next year in your same position. I can’t really imagine how the upper level administration of the district even allows this to happen; make him stay and hold his feet to the fire and if he is remiss in his job duties, then that evaluation should follow him on to the next position he applies for. Likely he is known for telling people that he is “all about the kids”, but what really swayed him was the pay increase that he no doubt received.
Maybe he was asked and encouraged and pushed to find a new position in order to get him gone from the district??? Perhaps he was doing a terrible job and it was best that he leave. I wonder if any of that could be the case????
Being the principal of a high school is an incredibly demanding job and this particular one leaves very little time for oneself and family. The principal must make a show at most of the games, is often at the school on weekends, posts updates and comments on multiple social media concerning games, etc. It is clearly a 24 hour a day job. I wouldn’t be too harsh on Mr. Chandler for wanting to leave. One must recognize that opportunities may knock only once. How well I know about this.
I know what you’re saying but the constituents, the parents and tax payers could care less about anything posted on social media. Hopefully most know how harmful the entire concept of social media is to human beings by now. Secondly, most should care less about sports and who shows up. The only people I would want to see at the game or event are parents and that’s only if they’re behavior is respectable.
The only thing I want from an administrator is the best education for the child and it sounds like the priorities are screwed up from what you say. No time or effort should be spent on the things you mentioned.
Perhaps I should have been clearer – this is what is expected of any administrator working at the high school from the district office.