Coach Scott Schumacher presents the
Buccaneer Backer Award to Jerry Kieke (Joe Alberico)

The ninth annual Blinn College Buccaneer Backer of the Year award was presented to Jerry Kieke during Thursday’s Blinn women’s and men’s basketball games at the Kruse Center in Brenham, Texas.

Kieke, a Brenham native and member of Blinn’s Buccaneer Backer Club, was awarded the honor by Blinn athletic director and head men’s basketball coach Scott Schumacher.

Schumacher spoke to the Kruse Center crowd during the intermission of the two basketball games and praised Kieke for his dedication to Blinn athletics.

“It always fires me up to recognize those who have shown Blinn athletics tremendous support throughout the years,” Schumacher said. “He attends all of our athletic events, he volunteers to help out at various Blinn events, and he’s always positive and upbeat in his support of our athletic programs. We could not be more thrilled to recognize him.”

Kieke has been a member of the Buccaneer Backer program since its inception in 2012. The first Buccaneer Backer of the Year honor was awarded in 2014.

The program allows supporters to make a donation to Blinn athletics, which helps fund team travel and meals, equipment, and other team needs.

Backers are provided with Club apparel, as well as a season ticket to all sporting events.

“The Buccaneer Backer program allows people who want to support Blinn College athletics an avenue to do so,” added Schumacher. “It’s a great opportunity for our fans to show their support.”

Story by Joe Alberico, Blinn College Sports Information

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