A request from the Boys & Girls Club of Washington County for funding to improve security will be considered Thursday by the Brenham City Council.

The club seeks to purchase a comprehensive security system including access control, video surveillance and a security alarm.  In a letter to the city in February, Boys & Girls Club Executive Director Stephanie Wehring said the club is presently without these security measures, and the existing security alarm system needs to be updated.

The club is requesting $15,000 from the city to match $15,000 allotted in Washington County’s 2023 budget.  Wehring said the collaboration would also maximize grant opportunities the club can pursue, including a grant for exterior perimeter fencing.

In other business, the council will act on a resolution approving the city’s participation in opioid litigation settlements with Allergan, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart.  Approval of the resolution allows the city to receive an allocation of settlement funds.

The council will also consider:

  • A digital marketing agreement with Madden Media for digital marketing and programming for the Visit Brenham Destination Marketing Organization.  Visit Brenham has contracted with Madden since 2018.  Madden’s quote reflects a cost not to exceed $105,000.   
  • A second change order to the service agreement with Bassco Services, Inc. related to the design, construction and installation of the fuel farm at the Brenham Municipal Airport.  The change order is in the amount of $20,051. 
  • A consulting agreement with HUB International for employee benefits consulting services beginning April 1st through March 31, 2024 in the amount of $3,500 monthly or $42,000 annually. 
  • A resolution repealing and rescinding a previous resolution concerning a letter of credit agreement and associated documents regarding the city and Municipal Gas Acquisition and Supply Corporation (MuniGas).  Per the agenda packet, the letter of credit agreement authorized in July was to allow the city flexibility to manage cash through the changing environment, but the city executed a contract in October with Energy Transfer that would allow the city to purchase natural gas directly from the physical supplier, making the letter of credit with MuniGas no longer necessary.
  • Accepting a bid for type “D” hot mix asphalt.
  • A resolution authorizing the selection of a professional service provider to provide special environmental services related to federally funded infrastructure projects associated with the General Land Office CDBM-MIT programs.
  • Accepting the Fiscal Year 2022 audit from Seidel Schroeder.

The council will meet Thursday at 1 p.m. at Brenham City Hall.

Click here to view the agenda packet for Thursday's meeting.

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