Washington County Commissioners today (Tuesday) approved the spring 2024 allocation of hotel occupancy tax (HOT) grant funding to local tourism organizations.

agreed to help the Burton Volunteer Fire
Department by giving it $30,000 to assist with
purchasing a new fire truck. Pictured in front are
Ronnie Stanley (left), Ronnie Hohlt (center) and
Nathan Kalkhake of the Burton Volunteer Fire
Commissioners awarded a total of $23,895 to five groups to use for operational expenses or event promotion. A total of seven requests were made for $113,071, but two of them were deferred to a later time.
The largest amount awarded was $10,495 to Washington-on-the-Brazos for the Texas Independence Day celebration. Other recipients were Unity Theatre, $4,400 for advertising; the Chappell Hill Historical Society, $4,000 for the Bluebonnet Festival; the Friendship Quilt Guild, $3,050 for advertising; and the Chappell Hill Chamber of Commerce, $1,950 for its wine and chocolate event.
Funding is awarded twice a year in the spring and fall, with a typical maximum of $25,000 allocated. Any remainder is carried over for use during the next funding cycle.

Tuesday to contribute $15,000 to the Gay Hill
Volunteer Fire Department for its purchase of a new
brush truck. Pictured in front are Curtis Rodenbeck
(left) and Robert Buchman of the Gay Hill Volunteer
Fire Department.
The two requests that were not fulfilled were for $58,168 to perform renovations at the Giddings Stone Mansion, and for $17,500 to restore the Old Washington Cemetery. Commissioner Kirk Hanath said the funding committee felt that these projects are viable, but they would be best suited to come before commissioners during the budgetary process due to the amount being requested.
Also at today’s meeting, the court agreed to assist two volunteer fire departments with funding for new vehicles. Commissioners approved contributing $30,000 toward the cost of a new fire truck for the Burton Volunteer Fire Department, as well as $15,000 to help the Gay Hill Volunteer Fire Department purchase a new brush truck.
In other business, commissioners:
- Authorized the county auditor to seek requests for qualifications (RFQ) for outside financial audit services. The RFQs will be due January 10th at 10 a.m.
- Adopted a revised fee schedule for Washington County Environmental Health, effective January 1st. County Engineer Wesley Stolz said it has been about five years since the environmental fee schedule was updated. He said the increased fees represent “approximately average adjustments” compared to surrounding counties.
- Accepted bids for the annual bid items of right-of-way mowing, culverts, drive bridge piling, fuel, oils and asphalts, road construction material, tires and steel products. Stolz said price increases from 2022 to 2023 were extreme, but the increases are not nearly as large this time around.
- Rescinded the November 14th approval of a service contract between the sheriff’s office and DroneSense, before approving another service contract between the sheriff’s office and DroneSense through the DIR state purchasing cooperative. Sheriff’s Lieutenant David Blakey explained that the sheriff’s office was not aware upon the initial approval that this was available under the DIR.
- Approved a final plat for Chadwick Hogan Estates, a development located along Chadwick Hogan Road and Caney Creek Road consisting of nine lots in Precinct 2.
- Authorized the county engineer to seek bids for the 2024 annual aviation fuel contract and for a used water truck. Bids are due January 10th at 10 a.m. and will potentially be accepted during commissioners court on January 16th at 9 a.m.
- Approved posting the notice of intent to lease for grazing approximately 9,155 acres of Tom Green County property and change the due date of the bids and the opening of the bids to January 11th at 10 a.m. and award date of January 16th at 9 a.m.
- Voted to not approve a request from Williamson County for the reimbursement for cash bonds made in the form of money orders given to the Washington County Jail on January 28, 2022 for $2,500 by Ferdous Kamil. County Judge John Durrenberger said the county has determined there is another avenue for this money to be reimbursed.
- Received a presentation of the Washington County Extension Service quarterly impact report, as well as an update on the purchase of a 2024 Expedition Max approved in August. Extension Agent Kara Matheney said due to production delays, the county has not yet paid for or taken possession of the vehicle. County Auditor Shawna Hollis said the $59,664 in budgeted funds that were approved for the vehicle will go back into 2024 reserves. Once the vehicle comes in, it will be paid for with those reserves.
- Held a public meeting for the Pecan Glen Road District to accept a bid for ditch maintenance to Schrader Construction Company for $2,500.
I DID IN 2021 TEXAS Legislature passed 34 million for the park. 10 million was raised by the Historical Foundation also. You need to look your facts. So we need to give our taxes to a state supported Historical Park???
Once again our tax money spent so well????? Washington on the Brazos is a state park not Washington County. The other monies to help on advertising what did the county get in return?
It’s actually NOT a state park. It’s a state historic site. The County actually gets money when the thousands of visitors every year spend money in the county and taxes are collected on that…like when they get gas, eat lunch, come shopping, etc.