A request to build a new gas station and convenience store will be the lone item of consideration for Brenham Planning and Zoning Commissioners on Monday.

The Brenham Planning and Zoning Commission will
hear a request on Monday from a developer
seeking to redevelop the property with a gas station
and convenience store.
(courtesy City of Brenham)
Adam Griffin of 30K Holdings, LLC is seeking a specific use permit to build a Zippy J’s at the southeast intersection of East Blue Bell Road and Gay Hill Street. The developer wishes to demolish the former Terminix pest control building that is currently onsite in order to redevelop the property.
The gas station would operate from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. and would have six gas pumps. The site plan calls for 16 standard parking spaces, 1 handicap-accessible space and 12 spaces at the fuel pumps. Griffin wrote in the specific use permit request that the proposed site plan is for pedestrian vehicles, as the pumps would only service four-wheeled vehicles and light-duty commercial vehicles versus 18-wheelers.
Zippy J’s opened its first location in Brenham at 203 South Blue Bell Road in 2020.
One public comment was received in opposition to the permit request, coming from Wee Care For All Childcare Center, which is located adjacent to the east. The center said it is concerned about the sale of alcohol, cigarettes and other tobacco products nearby the daycare and about the safety of the children there.
City staff recommends approval of the request on the condition that the property receive preliminary and final plats before the city issues a building permit. If approved, the item is expected to come before the city council at its meeting on May 2nd.
The commission will meet Monday at 5:15 p.m. at Brenham City Hall.
Click here to view the agenda packet for Monday's meeting.
build a mcAlisters deli there!!! need more food places north of town and a delli would be good
I agree…a food venue is needed in that area.
Zippy Js is terribly expensive, and their employees seem very rude and and professional, to say the least.
I have been in there several times, and each time they are playing foul mouthed explicit lyric rap music.
Not good. Not needed.
I’m fine with it, so long as TXDOT gets involved (since it is a state road) and puts up a traffic light at that intersection. One is very long overdue just from the high school traffic that occurs there twice a day.
Yes! A light is needed there!
We pay officers twice a day. Why not have txdot pay for a light?
What we don’t need is another one of these stores. Be nice to have another store other than HEB its nice but its always too crowded. Gas station shops so overpriced why even bother?
I agree another store and gas station is NOT needed. Traffic is already a problem in this area. How about a pickle ball court in that area. I am sure the individuals who play pickle ball can STOP the store from coming to that area.
Three similar stores exist about a half a mile down the road from the proposed site for this one. There is another similar store possibly a little more than a half a mile away on North Park Street. While I’m certain the overall desire for money and profits regulates most people’s lives today, it would seem that the traffic issue at that intersection that occurs when Brenham High School is in session would be a major concern, but apparently it’s not. Strangely, cars get higher miles per gallon today than they ever have and a hundred years ago, downtown Brenham was full of gas stations, and even one per block in some cases. Maybe this is the way for how we’re going to get back ‘Historic Brenham’…
Who are the people owners of the new convenience store? You said it was 30K LLC. Who are the people involved as the actual people owners. That will determine if this specific use permit is approved and why approval recommendation has been made.
This is a venture of Brenham Wholesale Grocery Company.
Brenham Wholesale Grocery doesn’t exist anymore. It was Griffin, Brad Trochta and Stephen Miller that sold it after taking it over for just a few years. If anyone knows any of those names then at least one should be familiar to a high ranking city official.
They are still using the name as agent with the Texas Secretary of State’s office. Griffin, Trochta and Robert Hatchett are listed as officers.
Neal you are correct. It will pass.
Thanks for the clarification.
I’m pretty sure Brenham doesn’t need another convenience store and especially at that location which is a traffic nightmare most times. There are literally 3 convenience stores within a mile of this location on Highway 105. This is a dumb idea by a money hungry developer.
Generally speaking, the government shouldn’t get in between a business owner and their customer. Generally speaking, people who aren’t going to be the customers of a business shouldn’t get in the way of people that will be the customers. Ours is not a planned economy. This is not California. Live and let live. Get along. However, this corner would definitely need a signal to safely accommodate that amount of cross traffic and there’s not a very good reason to have one right there for as little existing cross traffic as there is. I need to get where I’m going and that won’t help at all. Traffic congestion and safety is everybody’s concern. I guess that makes me against this. Then maybe change zoning ordinances so that new gas stations can only be placed at signalized corners or along the highway, just so it’s clear.
I think this will make the school traffic worse than it is now the city council should take this into consideration think ahead this will make the fifth convenience store on 577 I don’t think that it is needed and what about the truck stop that will be built on 577 and 36 that makes 6 gas stations