Floyd Schulz Jr.
Washington Co. Jail photo

One person was arrested Monday for Disorderly Conduct.

Brenham Police report that Monday evening at 6:55, Corporal Tina Bruno responded to a complainant call in the 900 block of North Park Street. The caller reported a man exposing himself inappropriately in public. Officers located a male subject matching the description given by the caller.  The person was identified as being Floyd Schulz Jr., 58 of Brenham, and admitted to urinating in public. Schulz was placed under arrest for Disorderly Conduct and transported to the Washington County Jail.

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  1. Some people won’t be happy until we actually become a third world country.

  2. Good job officer Bruno, a man that has no respect for himself will surely not respect others. Sad fact when one is to many and one is never enough. Hope he gets help but we have to trust our officers judgement. Back the Blue.

  3. This is a good example of someone with mental illness who does not belong in jail. Before all of you get into an uproar, I did not say that I condone anything that he has done, but he is mentally ill and our jails are not equipped to handle mental illness. Our mental health facilities are full so it is a vicious cycle. It’s expensive to house mentally ill individuals and jails are no place for them. Instead of griping, sit down and talk to your police/sheriff and see what they have to say about it. I asked Dave Bunger about it and he had plans to help with these situations, but he wasn’t elected for DA. Go ask Derek Estep and see what his proposals are!

    1. So you know his medical history to diagnose him as mentally ill and think this should be a get out of jail free card..?

    2. Floyd hasn’t been charged with any felony. All of his charges are always misdemeanors. Don’t call the DA’s Office, call the COUNTY Attorney, Renee Mueller.

  4. This man came to our place and threatened to harm everyone. He threatened to kill another person. Needs to be locked up. They let him back out.

  5. There’s a difference between peeing on a tree out in the country and in a city park with kids around.

  6. This is skating on thin ice. There are medications out there that makes one unable to control. This seems to be a ‘victimless crime’. I spent over a year in Okinawa, and at one bus station, the men’s urinals were OUTSIDE. When I stayed with a family in Germany and we were on a car trip, the men in the car made a ‘pit stop’ on the side of a major highway. Only in this country we have major hangups about ‘calls of nature’. I don’t want to hear about San Francisco – that is a whole different situation. But I do feel sorry this gentleman, because the offended caller could have looked the other way.

    1. Unfortunately that is not the case for Mr. Schulz. If you search his name on KWHI, you will find he has had multiple arrests over the past few years for many different issues. He does need help but that does not excuse his repeated behaviors, some of which has gotten him banned from several local businesses.

    2. I don’t want my granddaughter to see a guy urinating in public. But we are a 3rd world country now….

    3. This is not a “victimless” crime. What if a child had seen him expose himself? He has a history of this (being done in front of peoples houses where their kids are home!), public intoxication, lewd behavior, etc. He is constantly being rotated in and out of the WC Jail. Tell any child or parent who has driven past him and seen while he is urinating FACING THE STREET with his private area fully exposed that it is a “victimless” crime.

    4. This isn’t Japan or Germany. This “gentleman” is always sloppy drunk in public and refuses help and also refuses to cloth himself AND likes to hang around local parks were children play. I’m sure you don’t mind him exposing his private parts to your kids but many of us uncultured people do not. Good job PD!

    5. This man needs help but
      not everyone else problems. He needs to help himself because he what’s help. Not at your expense .. PS not the first time for him.He can asked for help if he really wants it . He needs to believe in himself and look in mirror.

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