Two people, including a member of the most recent Brenham Maifest court, have been arrested by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office following a monthslong investigation into assault allegations.

Lucas Cash Flynn
(Washington Co. Jail)

According to a release from the sheriff’s office, deputies responded on Friday, March 29th just before 9:30 p.m. to a disturbance on Schlottmann Road.  Deputies met with the victim, who had sustained numerous facial injuries requiring medical attention.

Investigators interviewed the parties involved and took photos of the scene.  After further investigation, the case was submitted to the Washington County District Attorney’s Office for review.

Reece Allen Wittu
(Washington Co. Jail)

Today (Wednesday), deputies arrested 19-year-old Lucas Cash Flynn and 18-year-old Reece Allen Wittu on felony warrants issued by the 21st District Court.  Both have been charged with Aggravated Assault.  According to the sheriff’s office, their bonds were listed at $25,000 each.

Washington County First Assistant District Attorney Derek Estep confirmed that Flynn and Wittu were indicted during the last grand jury session on July 16th.  Only the names of those who have been arrested are released in indictment reports.

Flynn was the 2024 Senior Maifest King.  A statement from Maifest Association President Catherine Kenjura reads, “Brenham Maifest is sad and disappointed to learn this.  The Maifest Association does not condone violence of any kind, and we have a policy in place that specifically addresses criminal behavior.  Our executive committee will meet soon to discuss his future with Maifest.”

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  1. yall grown folk needa grow up yall all in the comments like this facebook yall needa grow up god tha only person to judge someone BRENHAM LAME 👎🏼

  2. So true 👍. That’s my question too? Why so long and you know as a small town people knew but didn’t want to say anything for the privileged and rich folks. Quite interesting. Just saying that this happens a lot more than you think in the small town of Brenham Texas.

  3. Everyone is more worried about the whole Maifest thing. As someone who knows these two young men, the “victim” is a 52 year old man. There is definitely more to the story.

  4. Nobody ever gives comments about all of you there at KWHI NEWS & RADIO. All of you do a fantastic job in reporting all the local news to the community at large. I go to and depend on, KWHI NEWS each day to view and read what you have to give us each day. Thank You KWHI for your hard work….

  5. The comment released by the Maifest Association suggests that the powers that be, at least the “executive committee,” was unaware of any issues. Anyone in the association who had any prior knowledge, including Mr. Flynn as a Maifest representative, had the obligation to disclose this situation to the entire Maifest Association at the time of the event so that decisions could be considered. If members did know, they owe Maifest and those participating an apology at the very least, and should consider resigning their membership if the good of the association isn’t a priority. The big picture is this: while not for everyone, our family has been a part of Maifest since our kids were old enough. They and we would be thrilled to be chosen to represent Maifest, a community event that honors traditions and celebrates kids. Surely there are rules of conduct for royal families and kids or young adults who are selected? So, it doesn’t matter if Mr. Flynn is proven innocent or guilty, the facts are that SOMETHING questionable happened or led up to an altercation. That has been established through the words of the accused’s father who posted the arrest on social media and that there was an investigation at all. Whatever the circumstances, behavior unbecoming to a leadership role for the kids in our community has occurred. If you’ve been elected or chosen to serve in that role, it is that family’s, and in this case the young adult’s, responsibility to honor that position. I would think far less subjectively “severe” infractions (vaping at school, underage drinking, suspension for cheating, questionable social media posts, etc) would result in removal of a Maifest king from further representing the event. Physical assault – even just the allegation or being in a position to be accused – is far beyond this, in my opinion. I don’t know how kings and queens are selected, but there is some responsibility on Maifest here as well. I know it may be harder to choose senior kings and queens and give them the responsibility of perfect behavior, but there are good kids in our community who love Maifest and want to participate or even represent this unique tradition. As a dad who annually puts time and money into his kids’ participating, I would think Maifest would do what is best for the community as a whole, and not a select few. They might need to re-consider their reasoning and process for electing their royals. The Maifest association and the participants put too much hard work and time into this for the actions of one individual, whether guilty or not, to tarnish what is supposed to be a wholesome, family-friendly tradition. Mainly, I hope this young man and his family use this opportunity to gain control of actions or mentality that put others at risk and that Maifest can weather this storm and make necessary adjustments to their policies and membership. Times have changed and what is socially acceptable has changed, for better or worse, and the Maifest Association should move forward with that in mind.

    1. Maifest is for the rich families to show off their money. If this had not become public news, his affairs would be bought and paid for and he gets to still keep his ‘crown’. Thank you KWHI for some open, honest reporting. What is done in the dark will be seen in the light.

    2. I don’t disagree with you at all. Times have changed. These kids walk around like there are no consequences to their actions because that’s the way they have been raised: without consequences to their actions. He was allowed to be the Maifest king and you can bet money that people knew about this long before now. No consequences for his actions. Recently, two young men beat a boy so badly they put him in the hospital and one of them was allowed to remain on the high school football team. No consequences for his actions. This is not the fault of these young men, it’s the fault of the adults in their lives who have allowed them to behave this way for their entire lives without suffering any consequences for their actions. And it’s not just these two, there is an entire generation of kids this age who have been allowed to act this way. The adults in their lives should be ashamed, yet here they are, posting videos on social media blaming someone else and not allowing this young man to face the consequences for his actions. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  6. It’s amazing that this happened in March and even with the alleged charges looming over him that the he was still allowed to be the king of the Maifest. You are going to tell me that nobody at all knew about this before then. Just another small town coverup to protect the privileged ones.

  7. So to be clear, this assault occurred in March 2024, BEFORE the 2024 Maifest Celebration and no one bothered to disclose this to the Maifest Association so that they could consider a new king and possibly avoid the embarrassment of having their current king arrested?? This may be the old classic question of what did the Maifest Association know and when did they know it? Very sad to see this happen, sad for young Mr. Flynn, the alleged victim of the crime, and for Brenham as a whole.

    1. Perhaps the Maifest officials were aware of the incident before Maifest weekend but were purposefully and erroneously led to believe by someone that the young man was at no fault and was innocent of any wrong doing. Thinking he was entitled, the money had been spent so why not lie so he could have a royal good time.

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