Below is a press release from the Office of the Washington County Judge:

The Public Hearing scheduled to be held on August 13, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. for the Washington County Commissioners Court to hear comments, discuss and vote upon the creation of an Emergency Services District and for its placement on the November 2024 ballot has been cancelled. Texas Health & Safety Code section 775.015 requires that the notice of public hearing be published in a newspaper of general circulation for two consecutive weeks. The Washington County Clerk's Office made the request in writing to the Brenham Banner Press to run the notice in the July 23, 2024 and July 30, 2024 issues. The Brenham Banner Press only ran the notice in the July 23, 2024 issue. The law firm of Coveler & Peeler, P.C. has admitted that the notice is defective and the measure will have to be taken up at a later date for possible inclusion on the May 2025 ballot.

What’s your Reaction?


  1. With all these “no tax” comments, the VFD should take a year off. Then we can all grow some appreciation.
    The best way to learn is to do without, and that’s what’s needed by most of “America” these days.

    How many more taxes can we absorb in this economy? Enough is enough!

    1. totally agree Virginia,
      Once you let the fox in the hen house they will tax you forever.

  3. It’s funny with the timing of this. Especially when there are some subpar “firefighters” that have been opposing this from the beginning. Instead, they think everyone should fall in line with their ways which are not up to par by a long shot. These two departments should not be penalized for trying to secure funding. Something really fishy is going on here

      1. They don’t want to be paid!! Get your facts straight! They NEED funding for equipment and training! Are you even halfway aware of the cost to run even a volunteer dept??

      2. If you think this is the only thing that they want then you obviously are not informed enough on this matter

        1. Spent my whole adult in the Vol. Fire service in this county, bought a lot of my own equipment, trained in local and state levels, attended local, district and state conventions on my own dime won’t even try to figure fuel over all of that, trust me these guys today have gotten soft about holding their hand out, back in the day you didn’t beg you made it happen held fundraisers build your own trucks whatever it took to give back to your community and i have heard talk from the same ppl of paying members to sit their stations one day

  4. I knew Meyersville and Chappell Hill VFDs were facing some opposition on this, but this is ridiculous! I would not be eligible to vote on this issue as I’m not in either district. However I think the eligible voters would have liked to exercise one of their Constitutional rights. The right to vote! I’m sure the volunteers did their research/homework. And it was posted each time they made a presentation.
    I’m very disappointed with all involved in this – you actually could have fixed it, running it last week! Was this not an agenda item for the County Judge or Commisioners? And if it wasn’t who dropped the ball and why? (Maybe under “Unfinished Business”). Are you checking with the State to see what other newspapers future announcements can be posted in? It appears the Banner-Press isn’t able to meet County requests.
    Remember County Officials are paid. These are VOLUNTEER Firefighters!!!

    1. Beg to differ with you but if i am not mistaken these volunteer firefighters get benefits.
      Would like to have it posted what those benefits are?(I do not thing they work for free)

      1. The local VFD firefighter get a pension from the county that adds to $440. A year. That’s it no other benefits. And they can only collect that pension after 15 years of service. We just started receiving this in 2024. So yes every firefighter in this county does this for free. I spend over $1500 in fuel responding to calls, going to training and meeting ect. So In essence we pay to be free firefighters. And I’m proud to do it to help my community.

      2. You are mistaken. The volunteer firefighters in this county do their job absolutely for free with no benefits or compensation of any kind. Get your facts straight before you start spreading misinformation.

      3. Their only benefits receive is the pride of serving one’s community. Try putting that in the bank. The real question here is what do you do !!!!

      4. From my understanding, it’s only workman’s comp incase they get hurt. No other benefits.

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