(courtesy Bluebonnet Garden Club)

“Go Green” is the slogan for the Bluebonnet Garden Club for this year.  With that in mind, the home of Steve and Sheila Suders at 801 W. Main was chosen as Yard of the Month for August.  The use of predominately green and white landscape plants expertly complements the Tudor style architecture of their home.  Steve and Sheila used Asian Jasmine to cover the berm that rises above the sidewalk. Flanking either side of the main sidewalk leading to the front door are two Grecian urns planted with Variegated Yucca Filamentosa.  There are two magnificent white Natchez Crepe Myrtles anchoring either side of the house.  Two topiary trimmed Japanese Yews frame the sloping roofline and arched entry of the front porch.  Japanese Boxwood, Sweet Potato Vine and Liriope border the front flower beds.

In the back yard is a beautiful stone patio that was hand laid by Steve.  It complements the old round stone structure that protects one of Brenham’s many historical cisterns that was used in the 1900’s to supply water to the house.  Steve now uses it to store his gardening implements. Massive amounts of colorful Zinnias, flowering plants, shrubs and garden art create a peaceful backyard oasis for the Suders family.  

The history of the house is from the Hermann family line and that name is proudly displayed in brick on the front stoop.  We were told that a great, great uncle of the late John Hermann (of Hermann’s Furniture Store) built this stately Tudor style home in 1936 and he and his family were its first occupants.

(courtesy Diane Mackenroth, Bluebonnet Garden Club)

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  1. My grandparents once owned this home, and my parents were married there. They would be so pleased with all of the work you have done there. It looks so beautiful and stately! Congratulations on a well-deserved award.

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