Mr. Gatti’s Pizza in Brenham will be closing its doors.

In a social media announcement late this (Tuesday) morning, the restaurant and arcade said its last day of business will be on Sunday, September 8th.

The closure, according to Mr. Gatti’s, is due to TxDOT’s Highway 290 expansion project.  The restaurant said as a result of the expansion, “the state will be taking over our parking lot, leaving no parking options for our customers.”

TxDOT is planning to build a new interchange at the intersection of Highway 290 and Highway 36, with construction expected to begin in the summer of 2027.  According to information presented during a TxDOT public hearing in January, the project would require approximately 75 acres of right of way and potentially displace 11 residences and 20 non-residential structures.

The business said this decision was made exclusively because of the property situation at this location and does not reflect the success of the store or the support received from the community.

In a separate statement to KWHI, Mr. Gatti’s said, “We want to thank the people of Brenham and Washington County for all their support.  We want to thank all of our employees, ‘our Gatti’s family’, who have all worked so hard since we opened in 2022.  We think the world of them.  We are all sad to see it end.”

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  1. Once roadwork begins they will remove all the trees that block Rolling Ridge Estates ( Off Berlin Rd) that subdivision will be Directly exposed to the highway, The wildlife that lives back there will be forced out, and eventually the Land that Buffers Rolling Ridge and Hwy 290 will be Built on , I am thinking probably a Gas Station convince store The home values will drop and we will be lucky if we can ever sell if we chose to. So much for working hard to try to have a better life. TX DOT does not care about people or the sacrifice they have to make , I will never forgive our council / commissioners for ruining our once peaceful neighborhood. But hey they don’t live there so they will sleep well knowing their home value is not in the toilet.

  2. I didn’t really like the parking or location. I think it should have been bigger. I say they relocate to the old Sutherlands and have bumper cars bigger arcade area and the next best part MORE PARKING! I hate to see that their isn’t anything for our kids to do. Skating rink, eh, movies, horse shoe junction is good then the bowling alley eh it’s run down. But still open

  3. Why didn’t TxDOT just make a bypass around Brenham in a less populous area. This is going to be one nightmare for a long time for it will take years to complete….

  4. Well I have seen this coming along time ago. Back in the early to mid 80’s they developed the store and the theater on the right side of 290. At the time there was no problem with traffic. We had a good place to eat, called K-BoB’s and everyone was happy. The business that were on the left side of 290 were just an old watering hole and maybe a service station, that actually had full-service. I can understand the frustration, but if anyone evolved would have looked at what a cluster f**k that it was going to be down the road, they would not have invested in the properties that they bought. We have way more traffic than what we had back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. So I feel for those who bought property later on. But it is what it is. Why didn’t Gatti’s just move more into town. We have the old Walmart with a lot of parking and not much traffic. They were down town when we were in our tens and they were on main St. We always had a good time then. I’ve always said that progress is good for some things, but not for others. When your progress starts hurting the locals, then you are hurting your local older supporters. The price for land is getting redeculios around here and you can’t even have privacy in the country anymore.

  5. If their business model was profitable they would either move to another location or stay open as long as possible. Not sure if this is a franchisee but this may be a corp decision.290 frontage means they have customer access and visibility. They dont move into town tells me they cant survive

    1. From someone that has been in the restaurant business for two decades now, this makes perfect sense to me. If you know you’re not going to be there. Close the doors, take your money from TXDOT. If you wait you get the same money from TxDOT but every piece of equipment has almost 36 months worth of wear and tear on them. Everything they own is more valuable today than it will be in three years. Not like people are fighting to go out and sit down to eat anywhere these days.

      1. If you think TxDot pays real current market value you are surely misinformed, My family has dealt with them in La Grange twice, First time years ago for the bi-pass, Recently, the Hwy 77 expansion, Second time is still in litigation with no end in xite, TxDot created a process to protest values which has been followed. More money was awarded per their process and in escrow. TxDot immediately filed suit when their process cost them more money,

  6. TxDOT is kicking everyone out it seems. I know people from the mobile home park need to be moved by the end of this year. Some are having a hard time finding other lots or even affordable land for purchase.
    It is very sad.

  7. Why is the ladies dress shop next door is not closing. they both use the same parking lot. Also Mr. Gatti:;s has a couple
    of years left until the construction will begin..

  8. As GG said there’s got to be more to this story than what’s being announced, no other businesses have announced they are shutting down due to this.

  9. So many Businesses forced to close or relocate at a time when Cost to build is sky high, Some people being forced out of their home, and some homes and subdivisions that are near 290 will lose value when all the trees are taken out exposing them to a highway view, I know people say “It’s needed so it is a good thing” but if your job is gone or your home is gone or dropped in value or will soon be Unsellable you might have a little empathy for those affected.

  10. What a shame, but there’s got to be more to this story. Why now? TXDOT won’t do anything for a year or more. Is it a rent/lease issue?
    I’ll miss the buffet!!

  11. This is so sad to see it all end. Yes I understand why there doing it but it is still sad. People losing jobs and homes.

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