Washington County Commissioners have a brief list of items awaiting them when they meet on Tuesday.

Commissioners will act on authorizing the county judge to execute right-of-way agreements for the public purpose of parking county equipment and vehicles on private property.

According to the agenda packet, the agreements are intended to allow the county access to enter private property to park and store equipment used in the regular maintenance of roadways, as long as the landowner grants permission to enter the property.

The draft agreement states that the county’s entry rights “are specifically limited to the storage of equipment and shall not include any other activities.”  It also states that the county would agree to “exercise due care in the performance of storing of equipment, and not to unreasonably interfere with the landowner’s activities on the property.”   

Also on Tuesday, the court will consider the approval of a ClearGov strategic planning module for the County Auditor’s Office. 

Commissioners will then act on a pair of subdivision variance requests.  One is for a land division consisting of 7.98 acres fronting Iron Bridge Road and Stevens Road in Precinct 3.  The other is for a land division consisting of 3 acres fronting FM 2502 in Precinct 4.

Another item is the reading of a proclamation declaring September 11th through October 9th as the official period for the Washington County READ.

Commissioners will meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the Washington County Courthouse.

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  1. If they would have built county barns/ enclosers in each precent instead of a barn in a flood plain maybe that would have solved this issue, much less cut cost of transporting equipment all across the county. Why do they have to hire a contractor to mow our county roads? Have you seen the results of these mowing jobs? What a waste of our money again. Get out and vote them out

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